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Friday, April 15, 2022

Black-Owned AirBnBs

An excerpt from Newonyx - 

Black Couple Launches ‘Black Airbnb,’ One Of The Largest Lists For Black-Owned Airbnb’s On The Platform

“It didn’t take us long to realize that there should be an easier way for Black travelers," Jessica E. Boyd said.

by Jahaura Michelle 

Photo Courtesy of Travel Noire

The couple explained how difficult it was to find Airbnbs that Black people owned. However, they were determined to start the initiative due to the discrimination many encountered on the app. 

“It didn’t take us long to realize that there should be an easier way for Black travelers to book Black-owned or hosted Airbnbs. So, we decided to put together an extensive list of Black-owned stays all over the country, not only for ourselves but for the benefit of the Black travel community,” Boyd added. 

Earlier this year, the couple broadened their list by searching cities and listings on the platform, narrowing it down to a list with more than 200 plus Black-owned or hosted Airbnb stays across the nation. 

The company has launched Project Lighthouse, an initiative that partners with other organizations such as NAACP to dismantle the growing discrimination on the app. However, Boyd and Hughes believe their list is much easier for Black guests and Black hosts to find, offering a quick and immediate solution to the problem. 

“We’ve kept in touch with many of the Black hosts we’ve stayed with over the last seven months. We launched a separate Instagram account, @blackairbnbs, to amplify the Black-owned Airbnb listings from our blog and also share tips from the guest perspective to help [Black] hosts attract more bookings on the app,” Hughes said via press release.

What's the Lesson Here?

An excerpt from Business Insider - 

There are 7 self-made billionaires under 30 on Forbes' billionaires' list this year, and more than half of them are Stanford dropouts

By Marielle Descalsota 

Left to right: Henrique Dubugras, Andy Fang, and Ryan Breslow.
Brex; Marijan Murat/picture alliance via Getty Images; Cindy Ord/Getty

Seven self-made individuals under the age of 30 were named in Forbes' World's Billionaires List this year. And of those seven, four dropped out of Stanford University.

The world's youngest self-made billionaires all built their fortunes by founding startups. All but two individuals are US citizens. They are collectively worth $16.1 billion, reported Forbes.

Brazilian-born corporate credit-card startup founders Pedro Franceschi, 25, and Henrique Dubugras, 26, are the world's youngest self-made billionaires named in Forbes' list this year. The pair founded Brex in 2017 after quitting Stanford eight months into their freshman year. Franceschi and Dubugras are worth an estimated $1.5 billion each, per Forbes.

Nikole Schools Chris

Nikole Hannah-Jones teaches Chris Wallace about white people

OPINION: Either CNN host Chris Wallace doesn't know history, or he thinks Nikole Hannah-Jones shouldn't discuss how America's 'greatest generation' fought against democracy for Black people.

By Michael Harriot

He's to Become a Doctor & a Lawyer

From Black Enterprise - 


By Yolanda Baruch

Victor Agbafe (Screenshot) Image Credit: Victor Agbafe Twitter

Victor Agbafe is an academic anomaly; he gained acceptance to all eight Ivy League universities and is enrolled in both medical and law school, WBTV reports.

After he made public of his admissions to the most prestigious schools, many took notice of the Wilmington, North Caroline native, a straight-A student, and an athlete from the Cape Fear Academy.

Agbafe went on to complete undergraduate studies at Harvard University and, two years later, enrolled in medical school at the University of Michigan and law school at Yale University, according to WBTV.

In Celebration of National Peach Cobbler Day

Celebrate National Peach Cobbler Day With These 3 Recipes From Black Chefs

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

If You Hear This, You Have a Problem

An excerpt from INC - 

These 4 Words Are a Sure Sign Your Team Has a Toxic Culture

If you find your team saying this phrase, you have some work to do.


If you manage people, one of your biggest challenges is motivating your team and keeping them focused on what's most important. It's a challenge because people are people and are sometimes easily distracted. As a leader, however, you need everyone contributing and working together towards what really matters.

Of course, the most important thing for your team might look different depending on your business. Still, I'm guessing you probably spend a lot of time trying to build a culture that prioritizes taking care of your customers, and supporting each other. If you don't, most of the other things you're trying to accomplish won't really mean much. 

He's a simple tip: If you find your team using these four words, you probably have some work to do. I'd even argue that if you ever hear them, your team might have a toxic culture. 

"It's not my job."

Unfortunately, that's a pretty common mentality for a lot of people when they show up for work. A lot of people like to have a very defined role with a list of tasks they can cross off. Everything that's on the list is their responsibility, and everything else is someone else's problem.

Except, it doesn't work that way in the real world. Too often, a job description becomes an excuse to ignore anything that's not listed as a bullet point. It's easy to think that anything else is someone else's problem. It's easy to look at something going wrong and think "that's not my job."

Here's the thing--if it's important, it's never not your job.

Men: A Profession to Avoid When Looking for a Spouse


Ladies: Five Professions to Avoid When Looking for a Spouse


He Speaks 24 Languages!

From the Washington Post - 

The remarkable brain of a carpet cleaner who speaks 24 Languages

By Jessica Contrera

Amazing Weaves For Men