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Friday, February 10, 2017

I Wish You Were

An excerpt from the NewYork Times -

Am I Imagining This?
By Roger Cohen

The enormity of the defiling of the White House in just three weeks is staggering. For decades the world’s security was undergirded by America’s word. The words that issued from the Oval Office were solemn. It was on America’s word, as expressed by the president, that the European continent and allies like Japan built their postwar security.

Now the words that fall from Trump’s pursed lips or, often misspelled, onto his Twitter feed are trite or false or meaningless. He’s angry with Nordstrom, for heaven’s sake, because the department store chain dropped his daughter Ivanka’s clothing line! This is the concern of the leader of the free world.

Unpresidented! (sic)

Dear America, Please Don't

Thursday, February 9, 2017

He Spent 40 Years Alone in the Woods, and Now Scientists Love Him | Shor...

Shaking Up the World

From the Undefeated -

The Undefeated 44:  African-Americans Who Shook Up the World

His Underhanded Approach

From the Washington Post -

How Trump’s travel ban broke from the normal executive order process
President Trump differed from tradition when it came to writing, reviewing and implementing his immigration executive order, which temporarily banned people from seven Muslim-majority countries and all refugees from entering the United States.
By Kim Soffen and Darla Cameron

Solo, the 'emotional radio' that plays music to suit your mood

Do I have ADHD?

You Aren't Supposed To Watch This

Totally Awesome Jobs You Probably Never Thought Existed in the First Place.

Cuba's Flying Pizzas

There's a simple way to see if your business idea is any good

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Forgotten Terrorists

From the Huffington Post -

Trevor Noah: Trump Ignores ‘Hard-Working White American Terrorists’
“I guess the forgotten man has been forgotten after all."
By David Moye

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

10 Stupid Ways Schools Tried To Save Money

Open Concept Modern Tiny House with Elevator Bed

Hillary Clinton's first post-inauguration statement: 'The future is female'

As Seen in NY

H/T Alisha

This Headline Speaks Volumes

An excerpt form the Root -

Breaking News: Donald Trump Tells the Truth
By Michael Harriot

We interrupt your Facebook scrolling, Candy Crush game, tweets or whatever you were doing (although we can’t imagine what you’d be doing on the internet besides reading The Root) to bring you this important announcement:

News agencies across the country are reporting the collective, nationwide shock at the unthinkable incident that happened on Fox News on Sunday night when President Donald Trump briefly—and perhaps accidentally—said something that was actually true.

That is not a misprint. You read it correctly. Although there is some speculation that it might have been a mistake or a glitch in the matrix, a guest on a Fake News—I mean, Fox News—show uttered a nonfiction statement that was based in reality.

Richard Vs Barack

SF reaches deal for free tuition at City College