One of the things that I loved about my Mom was the fact she called it like she saw it, no matter who was at fault.
I remember one of my brothers had done something stupid. She was the first to call him on it and refused to defend him when asked about it by someone outside the family.
I am reminded of Tiger Woods after his many indiscretions were made public, standing on a podium with his mother standing behind him. I lost all respect for her.
As my Mom was known to say, "I didn't help you get in the mess, and I'm not going to help you get out of it. You're on your own."
Now, that might seem harsh to some, but my brothers and I understood that if we ended up in jail, it would have been a waste of time calling Mom with our one allotted phone call. She would have let us rot in there.
I see them every day in my work with kids.
Parents who come in and defend their kids no matter what.
Of course, they think they're helping them. Supporting them even. When, in reality, they are stunting their growth because they will be the crutch that these kids will rely on for years to come.
On a larger scale, enabling bad behavior is what the Republican Party is doing. They're turning a blind eye to the crazies in charge by refusing to call out the nonsense that is spewing from Trump and his minions' mouths every day.
I thank God for my third-grade-educated Mom, who was infused with common sense from head to toe, and who was quick to call bullish*t, no matter who it was.