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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Strange Fruit - Lynchings in America

An excerpt from VerySmartBrothas -

Dear White People: If a Memorial Dedicated to Lynchings of Black People Makes You Uncomfortable, Good
By Panama Jackson

What stood out most about the story on 60 Minutes were the pictures of lynched black people, often with several (up to as many as 15,000) people standing around watching the execution of illegal justice for “crimes” committed by black Americans.

In many of the communities, the lynchings were public spectacles, outings for the entire family to attend, dressed in their Sunday best, with callous articles written that read as if the public torture and deaths of black people were just what one did on a warm afternoon in September. As is often the case with American history, oftentimes it was.

Watching that story pissed me off. No more than usual, but it still pissed me off—though not for the reason you might think.

What truly pissed me off was that I knew for a fact that CBS would receive complaints that it had had the nerve to show the pictures of bodies hanging from rope as a public spectacle. I know that white people HATE seeing their fucked-up-ness. They hate it. They think none of it is necessary to see. To many, the story can be told without the pictorial proof of hate.

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