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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Largest 3-D Building

From Business Insider -

This building in Dubai is the largest 3D-printed structure in the world — and it took just 3 workers and a printer to build it
By Mary Meisenzahl

Monday, December 30, 2019

Best of Between the Scenes 2019 | The Daily Show

Top 10 Funniest Interview Moments of 2019 | The Daily Show

Top 10 Facts About Bob Ross

The Hand in the Trunk

5 Stories That’ll Give You a Sugar Rush

Jewish Thinking

An excerpt from the New York Times -

The Secrets of Jewish Genius
It’s about thinking different.
By Bret Stephens

An eminent Lithuanian rabbi is annoyed that his yeshiva students devote their lunch breaks to playing soccer instead of discussing Torah. The students, intent on convincing their rav of the game’s beauty, invite him to watch a professional match. At halftime, they ask what he thinks.

“I have solved your problem,” the rabbi says.


“Give one ball to each side, and they will have nothing to fight over.”

I have this (apocryphal) anecdote from Norman Lebrecht’s new book, “Genius & Anxiety,” an erudite and delightful study of the intellectual achievements and nerve-wracked lives of Jewish thinkers, artists, and entrepreneurs between 1847 and 1947.  Sarah Bernhardt and Franz Kafka; Albert Einstein and Rosalind Franklin; Benjamin Disraeli and (sigh) Karl Marx — how is it that a people who never amounted even to one-third of 1 percent of the world’s population contributed so seminally to so many of its most pathbreaking ideas and innovations?

Dubai Road Express Film – Full Movie in HD

Wilmington Chick-fil-A employee's kindness goes viral

Genius Ideas That Should Be Implemented Everywhere