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Sunday, October 28, 2018

These 5 African-American inventors improved the world

12 Black Inventors You Never Learned About

Remembering 1968: Tommie Smith's Olympic protest

Try These 5 Costume Stories On For Size

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Blackface: A cultural history of a racist art form

Meet a Hallmark Card Writer

An excerpt from the New York Times - 

She Made the Shift From Academic Writing to Hallmark Cards
As told to Perry Garfinkel

Through her writing at Hallmark, Melvina Young tries to reach people on a direct, emotional level.
CreditCreditChristopher Smith for The New York Times

Melvina Young, 55, is a senior writer at Hallmark Cards in Kansas City, Mo.

How hard could it be to write pithy lines for a greeting card?

That’s what many people think, that we are the lowbrow ditch diggers of the writing profession, the punch lines of jokes and films. Frankly I, too, thought this would be a quotidian task.

But it requires a specific, well-honed skill set. I do a lot of research, sit in on focus groups, read The New York Times, check discussion boards, Tumblr, Pew Research, Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight, consumer trend studies, and we have team brainstorming sessions before I sit down to write.


An excerpt from ELLE - (Bold is mine)

Megyn Kelly Has Always Been Racist

Lack and others at NBC News who championed Kelly made a calculated choice to sacrifice the humanity of others for the sake of a perceived ratings boost. They wanted a return on their investment and were willing to put up with the stench until it became unbearable. But you can’t Febreze a defense of blackface—particularly when you managed to never match the ratings of the Black talent you replaced.

Simone Biles - Vault 1 - 2018 World Championships - Qualifying