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Friday, July 26, 2024

One Stop Shopping: Groceries & Ammunition in Vending Machines

An excerpt from Newsweek - 

Ammunition Vending Machines Appear in Grocery Stores

By Alia Shoaib

A vending machine stocked with ammunition
produced by company American Rounds.
American Rounds

Vending machines stocked with ammunition have been installed in several grocery stores across the United States.

The machines are made by American Rounds and allow customers over the age of 21 to buy ammunition with the same ease as using an ATM, the company says.

"Our automated ammo dispensers are accessible 24/7, ensuring that you can buy ammunition on your own schedule, free from the constraints of store hours and long lines," American Rounds says on its website.

The company says that their vending machines have "built-in AI technology, card scanning capability and facial recognition software."

The software can verify the buyer's identity and determine whether the machine matches the identification scanned, according to American Rounds.

The CEO of American Rounds, Grant Magers, told Newsweek that there are eight machines installed or in the process of being installed across four states.

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