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Thursday, September 21, 2017

Lifeguards can work with these drones to save lives faster

The Reason Why Your Doughnut Box is Pink

A Hero That Looks Like Me

An excerpt from the Daily Good -

Move Over, Wonder Woman — This Afro-Puerto Rican Superhero Is The Ultimate Feminist Icon
Named after the island nation’s anthem, the fierce comic book star uses her powers to control the weather and keep her people safe
by Rebekah Sager

EDGARDO MIRANDA-RODRIGUEZ, A SELF-DESCRIBED ARTSY NERD FROM THE SOUTH BRONX, never imagined that the Afro-Puerto Rican pacifist character he first self-published only a little more than a year ago would emerge as one of the comic book world’s most realistic feminist super-heroes. La Borinqueña officially debuted at New York City’s Puerto Rican Day Parade in June 2016. Since then, both the character and the comic book have become something bigger and more meaningful than their creator could have dreamed, especially as Puerto Rico weathers two onslaughts from Hurricanes Irma and Maria, school closings, and an economic crisis.

Megyn Kelly and Ellen Discuss Political Talk Show Guests

Jimmy Kimmel Fights Back Against Bill Cassidy, Lindsey Graham & Chris Ch...

When You're Too Tired to Respond

An excerpt from the Huffington Post -

These White People Will Respond To Your Racist Trolls So You Don’t Have To
A volunteer-run Facebook group answers ignorant comments online at the request of people of color.
By Sarah Ruiz-Grossman

If you’re a person of color exhausted by having to explain over and over on social media why “all lives” aren’t treated the same by police or why producer Issa Rae saying she’s “rooting for everybody black” is not racist, one group is here to help you: White Nonsense Roundup.

The volunteer-run Facebook group, founded last year by friends Layla Tromble and Terri Kompton in Washington state, has white people respond to racist trolls online at the request of people of color.

“If a white person is filling your social media with white nonsense ― anything from overt racism to well-intentioned problematic statements, tag us and a white person will come roundup our own,” the group’s Facebook post reads.

Just Another Thug

An excerpt from Slate -

Our Demagogue
For the first time at the U.N., the American president was just another populist thug.
By William Saletan

On Tuesday, as world leaders addressed the United Nations General Assembly, diplomats were lectured by an authoritarian, a torture apologist, a pillage enthusiast, a race-baiter, and a sectarian demagogue. At the U.N., that’s an ordinary day. But this time, the despot, the demagogue, and the war-crimes advocate had something unusual in common. This time, they were all the president of the United States.

From the NFL to the FBI

An excerpt from the Washington Post -

From the NFL to the FBI? Former Bears CB Charles Tillman reportedly is in training
By Cindy Boren

Criminals and bad-deed doers might soon be learning something NFL offensive players long knew: Do not — repeat, do not — mess with Charles Tillman.

Tillman, the former cornerback for the Chicago Bears and Carolina Panthers, is training to become an FBI agent, according to the Chicago Tribune and ESPN. The player nicknamed “Peanut” by a relative for how he looked as a baby happens to have earned a degree in criminal justice at Louisiana-Lafayette and presently is at the FBI Training Academy in Quantico, Va.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Keep socks with their significant other.

The Worst

An excerpt from Vox -

“He took the job and made it smaller”: how Rex Tillerson failed the State Department
Experts believe he’s one of the worst secretaries of state in history. Here’s why.
Updated by Zack Beauchamp

“Tillerson would be at or near the bottom of the list of secretaries of state, not just in the post-Second World War world but in the record of US secretaries of state,” says Paul Musgrave, a scholar of US foreign policy at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

The former Exxon Mobil CEO — whose nomination was initially greeted warmly by prominent foreign policy hands — has failed to wield any significant influence in internal administration debates over issues like Syria, North Korea, or Russia.

His push to slash “inefficiencies” in the State Department and seeming disinterest in working closely with longtime staff were even more damaging. By failing to get people into vital high-level posts and actively pushing out talented personnel, he ended up making America’s response to major crises incoherent and weakening the State Department for a “generation,” according to George Washington University’s Elizabeth Saunders.

Not a Gamer

But I have much respect for traffic engineers.

An excerpt from Wired -


THE AIR SINGS with four-letter words. The iPad sits stoic as fingers poke, jab, and prod at its screen. Traffic engineering, it turns out, is a difficult job, even when you're working in a fantasy "city" made up of nothing but one office building and a solitary tree.

This is the world of Freeways, a new release from independent game maker Justin Smith, who owns Captain Games. The objective is simple enough: build a road network that connects a series of highways and buildings. When you've finished, you'll be scored on three metrics: the average speed of cars on your network, how much concrete you used to build it, and how easy it is for drivers to get from one point to another.

Electric Cars Could Wreak Havoc on Oil Markets Within a Decade

I Love Neil DeGrasse Tyson

From Salon -

Fired Google employee James Damore has Twitter war after KKK questions
A nerd fight breaks out after Neil DeGrasse Tyson schools Damore on why the Klan is not like Dungeons & Dragons

Serena's Letter to Her Mom

From Reddit -

Dear Mom,

You are one of the strongest women I know. I was looking at my daughter (OMG, yes, I have adaughter 😳) and she has my arms and legs! My exact same strong, muscular, powerful, sensational arms and body. I don't know how I would react if she has to go through what I've gone through since I was a 15 year old and even to this day.

I've been called man because I appeared outwardly strong. It has been said that that I use drugs (No, I have always had far too much integrity to behave dishonestly in order to gain an advantage). It has been said I don't belong in Women's sports -- that I belong in Men's -- because I look stronger than many other women do. (No, I just work hard and I was born with this badass body and proud of it).
But mom, I'm not sure how you did not go off on every single reporter, person, announcer and quite frankly, hater, who was too ignorant to understand the power of a black woman.

I am proud we were able to show them what some women look like. We don't all look the same. We are curvy, strong, muscular, tall, small, just to name a few, and all the same: we are women and proud!

You are so classy, I only wish I could take your lead. I am trying, though, and God is not done with me yet. I have a LONG way to go, but thank you.

Thank you for being the role model I needed to endure all the hardships that I now regard as a challenges--ones that I enjoy. I hope to teach my baby Alexis Olympia the same, and have the same fortitude you have had.

Promise me, Mom, that you will continue to help. I'm not sure if I am as meek and strong as you are yet. I hope to get there one day. I love you dearly.

Your youngest of five,

What millennials mean by “It’s lit.”

Should we get rid of standardized testing? - Arlo Kempf

Obama just came back to BRILLIANTLY Destroy GOP on Obamacare And Makes F...

The Strange Science of the Veggie Burger That Bleeds | WIRED

The Way We Get Power Is About to Change Forever

A Young Jazz Musician and His Mentor Shape Music’s Future

Jimmy Kimmel on Bill Cassidy’s Health “Care” Bill

Monday, September 18, 2017

Spreading the Foodie Love

Excerpts from the NY Times -

What Happens When Marcus Samuelsson Takes Harlem to London?

Marcus Samuelsson lives in Harlem. He loves Harlem. He loves it so much that he decided to spread it to east London.

Mr. Samuelsson’s Red Rooster Harlem, a neighborhood restaurant known for its soul food and soul-stirring gospel brunches, has birthed a doppelgänger Red Rooster Shoreditch.


Since adopting Harlem as his home and choosing it to hone his skills as a showman restaurateur, Mr. Samuelsson has masterfully straddled a fine line between gentrification, appropriation and approbation. Mr. Samuelsson, born in Ethiopia and raised in Sweden, has garnered enough Harlem street cred to successfully strut out Streetbird Rotisserie, a more casual, less expensive eatery less than mile from Red Rooster Harlem, and Harlem Eat Up, an annual food festival that takes over Morningside Park each May. He has found a culinary aesthetic that’s the equivalent of the electric slide, a line dance that still prompts black families to rise up in unison at backyard cookouts but equally rouses a crowd at a predominantly white wedding.

Apple Music — Clive Davis: The Soundtrack of Our Lives Trailer — Apple

A Bad Dude

An excerpt from the Washington Post -

‘The first white president’ is a ‘bad dude’
By Jonathan Capehart

I have a confession to make. I have not been as enamored of Ta-Nehisi Coates and his writing on race as some white people, particularly liberals, are. In fact, recently, I’ve discovered that I’m not alone in thinking that Coates’s views on race are too emotional, too dark, too relentlessly pessimistic. As one friend wrote in an email, “I tend not to agree with Coates because the premise of everything he writes is all white people in this country are evil and just look at the history of America to prove it. I tend to be a lot less cynical than that.”

When it comes to race and the United States, I am Martin Luther King Jr. to Coates’s Malcolm X. But ever since the killing of Trayvon Martin in 2012 and the ensuing grim roll call of black lives felled by law enforcement and wannabe cops and others who simply felt empowered, my views on race and our nation have moved steadily closer to Coates’s. With “The First White President,” Coates’s epic examination of and explanation for President Trump’s victory last November in the Atlantic magazine, there no longer is any daylight between me and the provocative chronicler of America’s racial divide.

In paragraph after paragraph, Coates articulates what has roiled my heart and mind since election night. He lays out with precision and data what I knew in my bones. White people, generally speaking, were not and are not going to slip into their impending status as “the new minority” without a fight — a fight successfully waged by a man who ran the most racist, xenophobic, misogynistic campaign for president in memory. And that was after spending years questioning the legitimacy of his predecessor, Barack Obama, by peddling the racist birther lie that the nation’s first African American president wasn’t born in the United States.

Report Confirms What We Already Know

From the Huffington Post -

Exclusive: New Report Offers Proof Of US Hate Crime Rise In The Trump Era
New data obtained by HuffPost shows hate crimes rose nationally in 2016. The numbers for 2017 aren’t looking great either.
By Christopher Mathias

The number of hate crimes rose across the United States in 2016, marking the first time in over a decade that the country has experienced consecutive annual increases in crimes targeting people based on their race, religion, sexuality, disability or national origin.

Data collected by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino, and provided exclusively to HuffPost, shows hate crimes rose about 5 percent from 2015 to 2016.

Sterling K. Brown wins Lead Actor Emmy Award for This is Us (and gets pl...

Most Popular Names Around the World

Wheelchair Costumes Turn Kids Into Superheroes

How do executive orders work? - Christina Greer

You don't have to tip this robot to valet your car

Resting in Peace and Beauty

From Atlas Obscura -

In Search of Cemeteries Alive With Beauty, Art, and History
These resting places celebrate life.

Sunday, September 17, 2017


An excerpt from the NY Times Race/Related by Eli Hager -

Michelle Jones was released in August after two decades in prison.
Now a Ph.D. candidate at N.Y.U., Ms. Jones is being heralded
as an extraordinary self-made scholar of history.
Damon Winter/The New York Times
In April, I received an email from a source: a teacher at a women’s prison in Indiana. In it, she wrote almost in passing that one of her students — who had been incarcerated for more than two decades for the murder of her 4-year-old son — was now getting out, and had already been “accepted at N.Y.U., Harvard and a host of other top grad schools...”

You don’t hear that every day, I thought.

And that was before I knew that Harvard’s top brass, including its president and provost, had taken the highly unusual step of overruling their history department’s selection of this extraordinary student, Michelle Jones, citing her crime.

To Ms. Jones’s many supporters, her story is about her profound accomplishments and her joyful personality. Their goal was in part to convey to the world all she had achieved while in prison — conducting original archival research without the internet, publishing widely, presenting her groundbreaking findings by video-chat to historians’ conferences, and winning the loyal support of the top academics in her field, all without knowing it would lead to any concrete reward.

The Facts Are Self-Evident.

An excerpt from Salon -

Stop acting surprised, America: Donald Trump is a white supremacist
Trump has made clear to America for decades where he stands on race. It's long past time to accept the facts

The facts are self-evident. Donald Trump is a white supremacist. The Republican Party — despite its duplicitous and hypocritical claims to the contrary — is the country’s largest white supremacist and white identity organization. Together, Donald Trump and the Republicans are waging a war against black and brown people’s liberty and freedom with the goal of overturning the modest gains of the Civil Rights Movement. Republican voters are, generally speaking, supportive of this racist crusade.

Yet many Americans somehow continue to react with shock, surprise or amazement, and claim to be baffled by Donald Trump’s slavish devotion to white supremacy. In reality, this is one of the few areas of Trump’s public and private life where he has shown a remarkable amount of dedication, consistency and discipline.

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

From the Root -

Twitter Drags Kevin Hart After He Admits to Cheating on His Pregnant Wife. And Hilarity Ensues
By Angela Helm

Kevin Hart’s messy love life is moving into hoarder’s territory.

Not only did his first wife, Torrei Hart, recently accuse him of cheating on her with his current wife and “rib” Eniko Parish, but on Saturday, the 38-year-old comedian had to backtrack on his vehement denials of cheating on a pregnant Eniko after his side slide apparently threatened to extort him for an undisclosed amount of money.

Transporting Your Kitty

From Lifehacker -

Get Your Cat in Their Carrier by Wrapping Them Into a "Kitty Burrito"
By Jaime Green

Your cat knows what’s up. Even if she doesn’t run and hide at the sight of her carrier, there’s no way she’s going into that thing without a fight. But the fight stresses her out and can leave you frustrated and scratched up—not to mention late for the vet. Enter the kitty burrito.

Basically, you need to restrain your cat’s limbs, both to protect yourself from claws and to stop her from grabbing hold of the outside of the carrier. (How is such a small animal so strong??) Being wrapped up can also help soothe your cat, like swaddling a baby or putting an anxious dog into a Thundershirt.

(See step-by-step directions in the link below).

Things iPhone Helped Destroy

From the NY Times -

How an underground script list changed movies

Between the Scenes - Ivanka and Don Jr.'s Daddy Excuse: The Daily Show

J Edgar Hoover, Chelsea Manning, PC Colleges | Overtime with Bill Maher...

Just Suspended?

An excerpt from the Huffington Post -

Firefighter Says Saving One Dog Is ‘More Important’ Than A Million Black People
Tyler Roysdon has been suspended for his racist Facebook post.
By David Moye

An Ohio fire department has suspended one of its volunteer firefighters for a racist Facebook post suggesting he’d prefer to save a dog in an emergency than a black person.

Tyler Roysdon, a volunteer for Franklin Township, wrote that if he had to choose between saving a dog or a black man from a burning building, the dog would get priority, because “one dog is more important than a million n****rs.”


“To Jeff Sessions, how does it feel to be dragged & humiliated? Now you know how the African Americans you disrespected feel.” - Maxine Waters


Apologies for the sporadic postings.  I've spent the last couple of weeks moving, but thankfully, I'm all settled now.

Thank you for your patience.

This is What He Really Thinks & He's Not Alone

An excerpt from the Root - (Bold is mine)

To All the Black Men Watching the NFL, Here’s What Philadelphia Eagles Owner Thinks About Colin Kaepernick
By Stephen A. Crockett Jr.

The Philadelphia Eagles have a bit of a history dealing with controversial players. First they signed Michael Vick to a contract after he was sentenced to 23 months in prison for his involvement in a dogfighting ring that included killing dogs that weren’t fit to fight.

They also offered wide receiver Riley Cooper a contract extension after his racist tirade at a concert, in which he called a security guard a nigger, was caught on tape.

But when it comes to free agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s silent protest against the deaths of unarmed African-American men, women and children at the hands of police, Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie says that the QB’s got zero chance of playing for his team.


So let’s get this straight: Lurie actually believes that Kaepernick was protesting the national anthem. Lurie also didn’t listen to the countless speeches Kaepernick gave after games about why he was kneeling. Lurie honestly believes that Kaepernick’s action was not to try to use his platform to push for social change but, in fact, was only to piss off those who served this country.

This has always been what white America does to black protest: It claims that the protest is un-American. It did the same thing to Muhammad Ali during Vietnam. Ask Tommie Smith and John Carlos how badly they were treated after they returned home from the 1968 Olympics, where each of them raised a black-gloved fist while on the podium.

One of America’s deadliest tricks is to silence black protest by labeling it un-American. They’re doing it again with Kaepernick. Protest, by definition, should be disruptive. It doesn’t have to be violent or even vocal, but the purpose of protest is to move comforts around and encourage thought.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Steve Bannon Confirms Everyone's Worst Suspicions About Him on "60 Minut...

Passengers enjoy Japan’s first cat cafe on a moving train

Hmong Farmers vs. Selective Law Enforcement

Denial is Deadly

An excerpt from CNN -

Holland has solved this problem; why can't the US?
By Frida Ghitis

Amsterdam (CNN) A dozen years ago, when Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, I was out of the country, watching the wrenching images from Amsterdam, a city that sits almost seven feet below sea level, in a country that has endured more than its share of death and destruction from raging storms.


Most reports about the disaster include a discussion about why the Netherlands, with much of the country lying below sea level, has managed to avoid a major flood in decades while the United States is suffering yet another catastrophe.

The answer, beyond the precise technical details the experts here provide, is about culture, politics and psychology.

The United States is in denial.

America's denial comes in two categories. First, there is climate change denial. Prior to entering politics, Donald Trump tweeted that climate change was a conspiracy against America, claiming that "global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive."

Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Decade That Built the Next iPhone

Why Hurricane Categories Make a Difference

Where do new words come from? - Marcel Danesi

Black Men Need Yoga Too

An excerpt from Salon -

Black men need yoga, too: “We tend to wait until we hit the bottom floor to then pop up and save ourselves”
Salon talks to the founder of the Black Male Yoga Initiative about promoting mindfulness in the Black community

Changa Bell is the founder of The Black Male Yoga Initiative, which provides training, information, workshops and retreats to help black men of all ages to become aware, engaged and empowered in mindfulness, meditation and yoga. He says one of his key challenges is engaging “the population I’m trying to serve.”

“The black community doesn’t necessarily value yoga as a preventive health care measure,” Bell told me. “We tend to wait until we hit the bottom floor to then pop up and save ourselves.”

What’s Baseball Without a Side of Grasshoppers?

The colleges where the American dream is still alive

"This is America"

From the Huffington Post -

Philly Driver Shouts ‘This Is America’ To The Wrong Asian-American
“Yes, this is America. I am American,” reporter responds in viral video.
By Brittany Wong

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

A Powerful, Enlightening Message

These podcasts are all great, but #8 is especially powerful and should be required listening for all black parents.

"What is Wrong With You?"

An excerpt from the Huffington Post -

White Woman Asks White Supremacists: ‘What Is Wrong With You?’
In a recent letter to the editor, Jonna Ramey said what we’re all thinking.
By Elyse Wanshel

Ramey put her thoughts on paper and sent a letter to The Salt Lake Tribune, which ran it under the headline “Letter of the week: What is wrong with you, white supremacists?” (The letter appeared in print on Aug. 20 and was published online on Aug. 26.)

The letter begins:

I am a 67-year-old American white woman. My parents enlisted in World War II to fight fascism. They both served; my mother was a nurse, my father navigated bombers. They lost friends in that bloody war so that all the world could be free of fascism. They did not fight so that some white people could claim supremacy or that Nazis could openly walk the streets of America.

White person to white supremacist person: What is wrong with you?


peppa pig- mr skinny legs

From Slate -

Peppa Pig Episode Pulled From Australian TV for Telling Children That Spiders Are Harmless
By Rachel Withers

Hear Bill Withers

From Rolling Stone -

Bill Withers Covers Little Jimmy Dickens on First New Song in 32 Years
By Elias Leight

Bill Withers covers "(You've Been Quite a Doll) Raggedy Ann" as part of a tribute album dedicated to Little Jimmy Dickens, the famously pint-sized country singer and a Grand Ole Opry stalwart. Withers' version of the song marks his first solo recording since 1985, when the man behind hits like "Ain't No Sunshine" and "Lovely Day" released his album Watching You Watching Me and walked away from the music business.


The life cycle of a t-shirt - Angel Chang

DACA, explained

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Cross a Canyon on Peru’s Last Handwoven Bridge

Black Girl Magic - Tennis

From the Root -

3 Black Women Advance to US Open Semifinals
By Angela Helm

Venus Williams; Sloane Stephens; Madison Keys (@rantoddj via Twitter screenshot)
For the first time in U.S. Open history, three black women have advanced to the quarterfinal round; and, in this case, they all happen to be American. As of Monday, Venus Williams, 37, Sloane Stephens, 24, and Madison Keys, 22, are all vying for the Tiffany-engraved trophy.

Oh, and it’s all going down at a stadium named for an African-American tennis player, Arthur Ashe.

Drones Helping Relief Effort

An excerpt from Wired -

By Aarian Marshall

“This is the one of the first big disasters where we can show how valuable drones can be,” says Brandon Stark, who directs the Center of Excellence on Unmanned Aircraft System Safety at the University of California, Merced. In the coming weeks and months, they'll help locals assess damage to homes, roads, bridges, power lines, oil and gas facilities, and office buildings—and determine whether it's safe to go back.

His Message Can't Be Silenced

From CNN -

(CNN) A political cartoon of Colin Kaepernick kneeling with his Afro in the shape of a black fist has gone viral.

But the illustration -- which has been adopted by sports fans, civil rights activists and celebrities -- comes from an unlikely artist.
Khalid Albaih, a Romania-born Sudanese artist living in Qatar, is renowned throughout the Middle East for addressing controversial political and social issues, including government corruption, the war in Yemen and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

A post shared by @Khalidalbaih (@khalidalbaih) on

Gotta Love This Kid

From the Huffington Post -

6-Year-Old Applies For Lego Job With Heartfelt Letter, Boasts ‘Lots Of Experience’
“I am the man [for] the job,” he wrote.
By Dominique Mosbergen

Monday, September 4, 2017

See One of Earth’s Driest Places Experience a Rare Flower Boom | Nationa...

Ta-Ta's Rejoice!

From Essence -

This "Ta-Ta Towel" for Your Boobs Has Lit The Internet on Fire
By Karen Belz

The summer struggle with boob sweat is real. Very real. That’s why we’re kind of surprised that it took someone this long to invent the Ta-Ta Towel for your summer boob needs. The towel is pretty much held in place by your own ta-tas, and helps combat the damp feeling you might get under there post-shower. And of course, you can wear it around the house — unless you’re rooming with someone you’re not super comfortable with. Or your parents. But hey, your call.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

How the Stars Aligned the Exact Moment Steve Harvey Almost Quit Comedy |...

Tuesday's With Morrie Author Mitch Albom: A Powerful Lesson on Forgivene...

ARE YOU AN ALPHA? - Simon Sinek - Why Leaders Eat Last

BEST SPEECH EVER - Simon Sinek on Millennials in the Workplace | SO INSP...

Kobe Bryant "Dear Basketball" w John Williams at Hollywood Bowl

Share the UndocuJoy!

Whitewashing History

An excerpt from the Atlantic -

Making Sense of the Violence in Charlottesville
Was the white-nationalist march better understood as a departure from America’s traditional values, or viewed in the context of its history?

Broad swaths of the American public repudiated the white nationalists who marched in Charlottesville and President Trump’s response to them. But even in their condemnations, many officials asserted that the hate-filled demonstration and racist violence was un-American. “This bigotry is counter to all this country stands for,” tweeted Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. “The hate being spewed in Virginia is … deeply disturbing and un-American,” wrote Colorado Senator Cory Gardner. The hashtag #ThisIsNotUs trended on Twitter.

But America is a country in which racially motivated white-on-black violent crime forms a clear, unbroken pattern across every generation. Slaves arrived in America through violent crime, and whites have used violence ever since to maintain the racial hierarchy of white supremacy. And yet many Americans of good will honestly, if erroneously, believe that what happened in Charlottesville is “not us.” How can this be? Answering this question demands a look back at some of the most significant patterns of white-on-black violence in American history to identify the precise ways in which that violence was justified, forgotten, or defined as something other than the racist terror that it was.

Cam Newton's younger brother Caylin Newton is the real deal

Go, Howard!

Cam Newton’s little brother just led the biggest Vegas upset in college football history
QB Caylin Newton’s Bison faced a 45-point spread. Then, they won.
by Alex Kirshner

Friday, September 1, 2017

Pie Crust Enthusiasts Unite

From Slate -

This Genius, Super-Flaky Pie Crust Changes Everything in Piedom
By Kristen Miglore

Between the Scenes - Trump Experiences Hurricane Harvey "First Hand": Th...

How Technology Helped

From the NY Times -