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Monday, September 23, 2013

Nudged into Change

I think it's safe to say, most of us like our routines, doing the same things, the same way, every day.  But, we also recognize that change is inevitable.  Even when it's planned and we know it's coming, change can bring with it plenty of anxiety.

Recently, say the last five years or so, I've come to appreciate change so much more.

Sometimes, in order to move from where we are to something better, we go through difficult times.  Of course, we can't see over the horizon, when things get better.  All we see is what we face every day. Sometimes this stuff is our fault, and sometimes it's other folks causing the disruption.

The typical reaction is to push back to maintain the status quo at all cost.

However, I've come to the place where I'm understanding - sometimes when crazy stuff happens - it's happening to move us from one place to another.  Chances are, we wouldn't have made that move without a nudge, or a flat out push.

But then, we find ourselves faced with a new reality.  A new job.  A new home.  A new city.  New friends.  New everything.

No matter how we got there, now we have to figure out what we're going to do - make the most of it, or cry and complain.

I've tried both ways, and I can testify, making the most of it is so much better. Trust me on that one.

So, sometimes when aggravating people invade our world, especially when they're aggravating bosses, we have to make a decision.  Do we live with the craziness that makes for a intolerable work environment, or do we step out, in faith, exploring other options, and hope for the best?

These decisions can be tough for single folks, but I think they're especially tough for people with families.  The decisions that are made will affect everyone in the household.

It was discontentment and poor treatment that caused me to explore other options for employment.  If I'd been happy, chances are, I'd still be in Sacramento.

But when the crazy stuff started to happen, that gave me permission, if you will, to seek a job/happiness, elsewhere.

That, of course, led to this, and this has been great.

Has it been perfect?  Far from it, but it has allowed me to explore the world in ways I never imagined.

Change is tough, but living in misery is a lot tougher.

I honestly believe there is something each of us was born to do.

Find that, and you find happiness, peace, and contentment.

Will it be perfect?


But when you wake up excited to start the day, you'll know you're moving in the right direction.


That's it.

This concludes my sermon for today.

And the choir said, "Thank God."

I heard that!!!

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