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Wednesday, December 28, 2016


As a black woman who wears her hair straight, I was used to using products geared for women of color.  However, when I lived in the Middle East, I was forced to try something different.  When I went to my local salon and asked about a perm, they had no idea what I was talking about, and recommended I get a Keratin Hair Treatment instead.

I've always been game to try new things, so I thought, "What the heck."

Long story short, I got the Keratin and have been using this for the past five years.

When I first started out getting the treatment, the formula was really strong, resulting in face masks for everyone in the place.

Thankfully, they have steadily improved on it and now there is very little odor.  I still made sure the room was well ventilated, but it wasn't a big deal at all.

The reason I'm writing about this is two-fold.

First, to introduce folks to it who might not have considered this as an alternative to straightening their hair.

And second, to let you know this is something you can do at home.

Truth be told, now that I'm back in the US, I knew the local black salons wouldn't provide the service, and I wasn't interested in searching to find someplace else.  Nor was I interested in paying the enormous fees that are usually charged for the service. I've always been comfortable taking care of my hair, including giving myself perms and regularly coloring it, so I researched and found the product on Amazon and did it myself for the first time three week ago.

I was thrilled with the result.

In a nutshell, here's how it works.

1)  Wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo that strips your hair of any product.  Your hair will feel rough.

2)  Blow dry it thoroughly.

3)  Apply the Keratin Hair Treatment to tiny sections of your hair, using a small-tooth comb to make sure it's on every strand.  Leave on for about 30 minutes.

4)  Do Not Wash Out.

5)  Blow dry it thoroughly.

6)  Flat iron hair.

7)  Wait until the next day to wash it.  I use a Keratin Shampoo and Conditioner that helps to prolong the treatment.

That's it.

If you're still a little queasy about doing this, check out this video.

Here are the products I used:

This is the shampoo I used, along with the Keratin Hair Treatment and comb.
A regular  small-tooth comb works just as well.

This is the shampoo & conditioner I use.  

Once the application is complete, it lasts about six months.  I can walk in the rain, fog, and other damp weather conditions without my hair curling up.  My hair feels healthy and strong.

I wash it; blow dry it and flat iron it and I'm able to wake up with my hair ready to go until it's time to wash it again.

As I've said many times before, I should have been in sales because when I find something that I like, I want the world to know about it.

Here's hoping you find this useful.

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