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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Reason Why East Asians Don't Have Body Odor

An excerpt from NBCNews - 

Social media is heating up over why Asians don’t have body odor

Between 80 and 95% of East Asians have little to none of that typical acidic body odor smell. And it all comes down to a gene mutation. 

By Kimmy Yam

While some extra deodorant swipes can feel like a necessity during these sweltering temps, there’s one group that’s not really sweating it. 

Social media users are using the heat wave as a chance to point out many Asians simply don’t smell. According to experts, there’s actually a gene mutation behind it. 

Between 80 and 95% of East Asians have a dysfunction of the ABCCII gene, which is linked to smelly pits, a number of studies say. And this means their bodies don’t release the same acidic odor smell the rest of the population does when exposed to hot temperatures and perspiration.

“It’s just going to be a lot less pungent and a lot less prevalent,” Dr. Madalyn Nguyen, an Oregon-based dermatologist, said of those with East Asian ancestry, including herself. “So we can go a little bit longer without needing to mask our body odor.”


Nguyen explained that body odor is primarily associated with apocrine sweat glands, found in the armpit and groin areas. For those without the mutation in the ABCC11 gene, protein in those sweat glands helps transport fatty compounds, or lipids, from the cell into the sweat. The bacteria on the skin breaks down those lipids in the oilier, thicker sweat to produce body odor. But for those with the mutation, the protein doesn’t function that way. 

“That transporter doesn’t work. And we don’t have those same lipids that cross into the earwax and into the sweat,” Nguyen explained of East Asians, adding that a dysfunctional ABCC11 gene is also connected to drier, less goopy earwax. “So less of that means less body odor, and also translates to dry earwax.”

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