White Woman Asks White Supremacists: ‘What Is Wrong With You?’
In a recent letter to the editor, Jonna Ramey said what we’re all thinking.
By Elyse Wanshel
Ramey put her thoughts on paper and sent a letter to The Salt Lake Tribune, which ran it under the headline “Letter of the week: What is wrong with you, white supremacists?” (The letter appeared in print on Aug. 20 and was published online on Aug. 26.)
The letter begins:
I am a 67-year-old American white woman. My parents enlisted in World War II to fight fascism. They both served; my mother was a nurse, my father navigated bombers. They lost friends in that bloody war so that all the world could be free of fascism. They did not fight so that some white people could claim supremacy or that Nazis could openly walk the streets of America.
White person to white supremacist person: What is wrong with you?
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/white-woman-white-supremacists-letter_us_59b040b8e4b0dfaafcf4f628?ncid=inblnkushpmg00000009'Letter of the Week' or 'Letter of the goddamn YEAR?' pic.twitter.com/oNESYtnYM1— Alicia Mayer (@RealAliciaMayer) September 4, 2017