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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Hajj: 7 things you don't know about the Muslim Pilgrimage - BBC News

We Learned That [These Five Amazing Things Happened]

Brilliant Response

Why Is Drake's Latest Album 'Scorpion' So Long?

You are fluent in this language (and don't even know it) | Christoph Nie...

In Rwanda, His Drones Are Saving Lives

Panda Doesn't Realise She's Had Twins! | BBC Earth

This Man Can Pronounce Every Word in the Dictionary


An excerpt from the Washington Post -

Animal crackers have been caged for 116 years. Pressure on Nabisco helped free them.
By Taylor Telford

Nabisco’s redesigned box appears on the shelf of a grocery store in Des Moines. (Charlie Neibergall/AP)

After more than a century of imprisonment, Barnum’s cracker creatures are roaming free — until they meet their mushy demise in the mouths of children, anyway.

After pressure from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Nabisco has rolled out a redesign of its Barnum’s animal crackers box — which takes its name from the famed circus — that historically featured animals behind bars. Now, the box shows the animals in formation, asserting their freedom on the savanna.

Worth a Thousand Words

A song about growing up British and Indian - BBC

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The fastest way to charge your phone without damaging the battery

Cuomo: We hold kids to higher standard than Trump

A Real President

A post shared by Pete Souza (@petesouza) on

Great Analogy

Innovative Grocery Store

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

In Japan, Shaved Ice Goes Gourmet


$16K College Application Boot Camp!

An excerpt from the Boston Globe -

What’s the craziest thing about a $16,000 college application boot camp: that it has a wait list, or its secret location?
By Beth Teitell

Are you doing enough to get your kid into college? Are you sure? Have you hired a former CIA operative to scrub your kid’s social media presence? Are Hollywood screenwriters helping zip the college essay? Do you have a Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center interventional radiologist positioning your high schooler for the medical school track?

Did your child just finish the four-day, $16,000 Application Boot Camp at a Boston-area hotel — a program so hot that cofounder Michele Hernandez Bayliss wants the location kept secret? “We’ve literally had reporters and competitors trying to stalk” us, she e-mailed the Globe.

When it comes to college consultants, nothing is too extreme. With applications at elite colleges rising — and acceptance rates plummeting as a result — so many wealthy parents are so desperate for any edge it’s as if satirist Sacha Baron Cohen is at work, trying to see what people will buy.

Why is California always on fire?

The Peacemaker

Advice From President Vicente Fox

Friday, August 10, 2018

BlacKkKlansman Official Trailer #1 (2018) Adam Driver, Topher Grace Movi...

Black Earth Rising: Launch Trailer - BBC

Cause of Death

An excerpt from the Washington Post -

Death reports make the opioid crisis personal for doctors
By Carolyn Y. Johnson

The form letters from the San Diego County Medical Examiner's Office were supportive but grim.

“This is a courtesy communication to inform you that your patient (Name, Date of Birth) died on (date). Prescription drug overdose was either the primary cause of death or contributed to the death,” said the letters, sent to hundreds of doctors who in the past 12 months had prescribed opioids to patients who later died. “… We hope that you will take this as an opportunity to join us in preventing future deaths from drug overdose.”

The notices were a simple but unusual experiment — part of a growing research effort aimed at finding solutions to the opioid epidemic that is estimated to have killed almost 50,000 people from overdoses last year. They also addressed an almost astonishing gap in the American health-care system — the gulf between the care doctors provide and their knowledge about the consequences for patients. Many doctors who prescribe painkillers may believe that addiction is a problem that happens to other doctors' patients, because they never learn about their own patients who died of an overdose.

Red Sovine - Roses for Mama

IOU - Jimmy Dean - ORIGINAL & best version, lyrics, tribute to Mother, M...


Kevin Hart's 600K Scholarship Gift

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Franklin's 50th Peanuts Anniversary | The Daily Show

He Buys Groceries for Strangers

An excerpt from Vulture -

The Only Good Story of 2018 Is This New York Times Investigation Into Ludacris Buying Groceries for Strangers
By Dee Lockett

Ludacris has been out here committing random acts of kindness in the form of buying groceries for strangers at Atlanta supermarkets for “years and years.” YEARS AND YEARS!

And how do we know this delightful information, pray tell? From the New York Times, which allotted valuable reporting resources to investigate over a hundred social-media claims that some kind soul named Chris — LudaCRIS — had been covering people’s grocery bills. In person. Just regularly showing up at Whole Foods, Sprouts Fresh Market, Publix, Costco, you name it, and carrying out God’s plan.

Fans Petition for LeBron James to Replace Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Ed...

Contorting His Body to Extreme Degrees

Enough Already

An excerpt from the Root -

Enough With the Shit, Green Party. The Coming Midterms Are Too Important for Your Shenanigans
By Stephen A. Crockett Jr

In theory, the Green Party is vitally necessary for a two-party system with party platforms so rigid and legacy-laced that not all potential candidates can get with either of them. I get it.

But in practice, the Green Party has become a catch-all for wackos and faux-Democrats who wouldn’t have a shot in hell in winning the dominant parties’ bids to continue fucking up the country for the rest of us.

Ohio’s congressional special election on Tuesday between Republican Troy Balderson and Democrat Danny O’Connor is so close that less than 1 percent separates the winner from the eventual loser. While the race is essentially a practice run for November midterms, it was a prime opportunity to send a strong message to the Trump administration. A Democratic victory in Ohio, a state Trump won handily in the 2016 presidential election, would signal to Trump that America is tired of his bullshit.

The Brazilian criminals learning crochet in prison - BBC News

Cuomo calls out Trump's anti-immigrant stance

Face Your Father: Ray Romano Edition

Team Trump’s Plot to Block Legal Immigrants from Citizenship | The Daily...

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

NYC Apartment Tour: $3,600,000 MILLION LUXURY APARTMENT

The Most Insane Dessert on the Vegas Strip Is At Caesar's Palace

The Day I Stopped Asking 'Why Me?' | Blake Leeper | Goalcast

Bringing Sri Lanka’s Mangroves Back to Life

West Hollywood Wants Trump Gone

College Essay Tips

An excerpt from the New York Times -

How to Write a Good College Application Essay
By Janet Morrissey

Here are some tips compiled from experts for writing that all-important application essay, which can often mean the difference between getting accepted — or rejected — by the school of your choice.

The essay is your megaphone — your view of the world and your ambitions. It’s not just a resume or a regurgitation of everything you’ve done. It needs to tell a story with passion, using personal, entertaining anecdotes that showcase your character, your interests, your values, your life experiences, your views of the world, your ambitions and even your sense of humor.

Emphasize volunteer work or other ways you’ve helped people or made your community a better place. It helps if the activity is related to the subject you want to study. For example, Christopher Rim of Command Education Group, which coaches students, remembers that one student who wanted to become a dentist, set up a nonprofit and held fund-raisers to distribute toothbrushes, toothpaste and other dental products to homeless shelters. Admissions staff members want to know how your presence will make the college a better place.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Six Stories to Kick-Start Your Morning

Is Holding In A Sneeze Actually Unhealthy?

Goats. Goats. Everywhere.

Asians Spend $20 BILLION A YEAR to be White?!

Latin Asians

The breathtaking courage of Harriet Tubman - Janell Hobson

Whale jumps out of nowhere during sight seeing tour.

The nightmare videos of childrens' YouTube — and what's wrong with the i...

Why Stunt People Don't Get Oscars

What Happens to Old Broadway Costumes

See’s Candies Makes 26 Million Pounds of Candy Every Year