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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Painful But Necessary?

From The Root - 

Why Black Folks Should Watch the 1st GOP Debate

It’ll be worth watching to find out if the candidates at this Cleveland debate are asked about the police shootings in Ohio that have claimed so many lives.


And then there were 10. Fox News, in all its political wisdom, finally managed to whittle a crowded circus tent of 17 Republican presidential candidates into 10 bona fide, top-polling, first-Republican-primary-debate contenders. All men and overwhelmingly white (save a retired black neurosurgeon and a onetime wunderkind Cuban American), these self-ascribed castigators of conservatism will descend upon Cleveland and engage in an epic sword-clashing fight of rhetorical barbs that may leave our throats dry once it settles.

With the gladiator straw-pick out of the way, now’s the time for black people to rearrange Thursday-night schedules, call up friends and family, and watch every minute of the most official kickoff of the 2016 presidential season we’re going to get before Labor Day.
For proud members of the active body politic, our popcorn is already picked out and debate watch parties penciled in. But for many, it will be a chore. And for others, it’s not even an option: Who wants to spend Thursday-night prime time watching mostly middle-aged white men squabble over primary turf?

Easy answer: You have no choice. If a recent Fox News poll is accurate, we have a problem if black folks are nearly 10 percentage points behind their white peers when asked about “interest” in the election. We can’t possibly make this much noise over police brutality and inequality, and yet not closely follow our national-leader selection process with the same passion with which we stalk a wack, open diss battle of questionably literate emcees. Here are five reasons you should watch the debate:

1. You need to know what they’re up to. To paraphrase Chris Rock: “Anyone who makes up their mind about an issue before they hear the issue is a fool.” Of course, we hear Republican background noise all day, even when we least expect to hear it, so we think we’ve got the GOP all summed up in one white-sheet-wrapped nutshell. Not. Because if we did, the collective black electorate would be a bit less shocked and a little more prepared when Republicans say and do things it doesn’t like. And, sure, we get it: The GOP primary will be lucky if 3 percent of Republican voters in it are black by Super Tuesday. Black people don’t vote red ...

But, honestly, you don’t have to like red to vote for it, meaning: We really should start considering how to put some skin in both the GOP and Democratic nomination games. Don’t come crying if you didn’t have some say in who picked the government-cutting, war-hawk white guy calling global shots. Ultimately, one of these 10 dudes could be the next major-party nominee for leader of the free world—along with a 50-50 chance that he’ll end up in the White House. Don’t get left out.

2. It’s in Ohio: land of police violence and bellwethers. It doesn’t go unnoticed that the first debate of the season is in the Buckeye State, arguably viewed as the biggest battleground state of them all. We also know that lead debate moderator Chris Wallace has “some doozies” planned for the Big 10, and we know debate interrogators get to ask only 20 questions during 90 minutes of yelling suits. But what we don’t know is if moderators will ask the most important question to ask while in Cleveland: We’ve had four of the most high-profile killings of unarmed African Americans by police in Ohio, with two that happened right here in Cleveland, including that of 12-year-old Tamir Rice. No one has been convicted or sent to jail yet. What would you do as president to address this?

That is really the ultimate “doozie” to ask in a room full of mostly white Republicans, since they’ve successfully skirted the so-called #BlackLivesMatter issue, thanks to a summer full of Trump. We need to assess responses, sweat levels and the number of times they reach for water if it’s posed. Now, even though it’s Fox, there’s a chance that moderators will ask a very watered-down version of the question above—but don’t hold your breath if you think they’ll mention victim names.

3. We need to see why so many white people dig Donald. As a nation, we’ve been so infatuated with Donald Trump all summer that we haven’t pressed candidates’ stands on key issues. But now black viewers should see what Trump is really like when facing adversaries—those he relentlessly clowned on the campaign trail—and gather more clues about white Republican-primary voters driving his support.  

According to recent polls, they dig him quite a bit—one reason he keeps defying gravity week after week as the present front-runner. The latest Marist College poll (pdf) shows him with 22 percent white support (along with, interestingly enough, 23 percent Latino support). Public Policy Polling shows (pdf) him with 31 percent white favorability, and YouGov gives (pdf) him 41 percent white support, while Fox News shows that 28 percent of white men, 24 percent of white women and 22 percent of white Bible-thumping evangelicals like him above everyone else. Which begs a critical question: What the hell is wrong with white people?

4. It’s pretty dead on the Dem side. Come on, admit it: Is there even a Democratic primary to watch?

This Cleveland debate helps with that, giving us the Red Bull rush of political excitement we need to stay awake. The most exciting the Democratic primary gets is watching Larry David look-alike Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.) get grumpy when punked by #BlackLivesMatter protesters. Otherwise, we’re watching a pretty stale field that’s, at the moment, simply sparring for running mate. Looking less creative than their Republican rivals, Democrats are pretty much letting the field dissolve into a Hillary Clinton coronation without any kind of fight, which is why we should appreciate the GOP fireworks, even if they look silly.

5. Go ahead and give Dr. Ben some company. So, it’s not a secret: Black folks aren’t into Ben Carson like they once were. Gone are the glory days of Gifted Hands and Cuba Gooding Jr. role plays, since Carson, in his weird Dr. Ben way, keeps slicing into beloved President Barack Obama over the Affordable Care Act. The reaction from black voters has been pretty harsh: “Don’t talk about Barack.”

As a result, Carson barely gets 29 percent favorability (pdf) from African Americans, according to Public Policy Polling, and only 37 percent, according to YouGov (pdf). But the fact that he still gets the highest black “favorables” out of all the Republican candidates still says we’re thinking about him and privately wishing the soft-spoken Detroit brother the best. So let’s make sure the white guys don’t shout all over him.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Einstein & The Civil Rights Movement

From Live Science - 

6 Ways Albert Einstein Fought for Civil Rights

Challenging the Whiteness of Public Radio

Yeah Maxim!

From The Huffington Post - 

Maxim makes history by putting a man on their cover for the first time 

Idris Elba covers the lad mag's September issue 

Maxim makes history by putting a man on their cover for the first timeIdris Elba(Credit: Maxim)
Maxim, longtime vanguard of the scantily-clad female cover star, has decided to switch things up for their September issue. For the first time ever, the magazine features a male star alone on the cover: British actor and potential future James Bond Idris Elba, looking very cozy in some sort of fuzzy, leopard print bathrobe/coat hybrid.
“For me, he was really the perfect embodiment of what I think the new Maxim man is,” editor in chief Kate Lanphear told Racked. “He’s multi-dimensional, he’s complex, he’s sophisticated, but he’s down to earth. It was funny when on set, I was like, ‘Is there anything this guy can’t do?’ He’s an award-winning actor, he’s a DJ, his capsule clothing line for Superdry is about to hit stores. The guy broke the [British] land speed record which hasn’t been touched since like 1928. He’s sort of a living, breathing superhero.”


It wasn't long ago that I thought 59 years old was ANCIENT.

Seriously, it was the land of "old folks and walking sticks."

Today I turned 59, and my thoughts have changed considerably.

Now I see it as an age of comfort.

Being comfortable with who I am and what I've become.

A mother.

A grandmother.

Comfortable in my skin.

Liking myself with little regard to what others think.

There truly is a freedom that comes with age.

The older I get, the freer I become.

Here's wishing you "youngsters" wisdom that only grey hairs can bring.

May you all live to enjoy long, wisdom-filled years of comfort and peace that only "Happy Birthdays" can bring.

One Tree = 40 Kinds of Fruit

Great Reads

From The Atlantic -

Roughly 100 Fantastic Pieces of Journalism

Exceptional nonfiction stories from 2014 that are still worth encountering today

Lingerie in Unlikely Places

The New Yorker article linked below caught my eye because it's about Chinese-owned lingerie shops in Egypt, a predominantly Muslim country, that is traditionally very conservative.

Here's an excerpt -

Valentine’s Day is one of the few times of the year when most China Star customers are male. Usually, it’s only women in the shop, and often they buy the lightweight, form-fitting dresses that Chinese dealers refer to as suiyi, or “casual clothes.” No Upper Egyptian woman would wear such garments in public, but it’s acceptable at home. This is one reason that the market for clothing is so profitable: Egyptian women need two separate wardrobes, for their public and their private lives. Usually, they also acquire a third line of clothing, which is designed to be sexy.

Defined By Your Cookie

From The Huffington Post - Silly fun.

What Your Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie Says About You

It's more revealing than you might realize.

The world of cookies is vast. Chocolate chip cookies alone present a plethora of options, from chips to chunks, crisp to chewy, nutty to gluten free. Those of us who love this classic cookie have our go-tos. Some are so loyal to their favorite that any other kind isn't worth the effort of chewing.
Unbeknownst to most, your favorite chocolate chip cookie is incredibly revealing. That's right, the kind of cookie you bake, buy and/or devour says a lot about the type of person you are. Curious? Read on.
  • 9
    Soft and chewy.
    Share on Pinterest
    If soft and chewy cookies are your go-to, you're the kind of person who always picks up a cup of coffee for your co-worker when you're out getting yourself one. You're warm and kind, and everyone loves you. 
  • 8
    Crisp till the end.
    Share on Pinterest
    If you love crispy cookies, you know what you want and aren't afraid to say it. You're firm yet sweet, and have all the skills necessary to make an A+ parent. Or at least a really great godparent.
  • 7
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    If you love cakey cookies, you're probably epically indecisive. You see the virtue in everything, so picking between two (like cake or cookies) feels absolutely impossible. That's OK, just be you.
  • 6
    Share on Pinterest
    If you love salty chocolate chip cookies, you're a complex individual. You are both the ying and the yang, positive and negative, light and dark. In other words, you're interesting. 
  • 5
    Extra chocolately.
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    You're decadent and don't care who knows it. You live life by your own rules, and you live it proudly.
  • 4
    A little nutty.
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    Whether you like walnuts, almonds, peanuts or any other kind of nut in your cookie, you're daring -- sometimes to a fault. But don't let that calm your adventurous spirit, it's part of what makes you so fun to be around.  
  • 3
    Sans gluten.
    Share on Pinterest
    If you're on a gluten-free diet and you're eating a chocolate chip cookie, you're determined. You don't let life's little hiccups stand in the way of you and what you want. You're crafty, clever and persistant.
  • 2
    Share on Pinterest
    Chocolate chunk cookie fans, you're not the type to color within the lines. When you do something, you do it all the way. And that's why you succeed at everything you do. Bravo.
  • 1
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    Those of you who don't even bake your chocolate chip cookies? Well, you're bad to the bone. You're also impatient, demand instant gratification and are the very definition of cool.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Cuban cigar makers eye the U.S. market

From Sunday Morning -

Cigars were sold in the airport in Havana, and we were so tempted to buy some, but we figured the custom officers would have been the only ones enjoying them after they confiscated ours, so we decided against it.

The door to the country is cracked open, as soon as it's opened further, more opportunities (like purchasing their famous cigars for export) will be made available.

Neither Forrest or I smoke, so the temptation to try them while we were there didn't come up.

Check out the potential US market in the clip below.

Airfare Sale

Check out Google Flights to find some pretty extraordinary savings on flights beginning the last week of August.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Fart Filtering Underwear Said To Neutralize Stink Of Passing Gas

The company now has added jeans to their fart filtering line.  Follow the link below for details.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Science of Good Cookies

From Stumbleupon - 

The Best Tips for the Best Cookies

  1. Ooey-gooey: Add 2 cups more flour.
  2. Crispy with a soft center: Use 1/4 teaspoon baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda.
  3. A nice tan: Set the oven higher than 350 degrees (maybe 360). Caramelization, which gives cookies their nice brown tops, occurs above 356 degrees, says the Ted video.
  4. Chewy: Substitute bread flour for all-purpose flour.
  5. Just like store-bought: Trade the butter for shortening. Arias notes that this ups the texture but reduces some flavor; her suggestion is to use half butter and half shortening.
  6. Thick (and less crispy): Freeze the batter for 30 to 60 minutes before baking. This solidifies the butter, which will spread less while baking.
  7. Cakey: Use more baking soda because, according to Nyberg, it “releases carbon dioxide when heated, which makes cookies puff up.”
  8. Butterscotch flavored: Use 3/4 cup packed light brown sugar (instead of the same amount of combined granulated sugar and light brown sugar).
  9. Uniformity: If looks count, add one ounce corn syrup and one ounce granulated sugar.
  10. More. Just, more: Chilling the dough for at least 24 hours before baking deepens all the flavors, Arias found.
Bonus Tip: Use your nose, instructs the Ted Talk. That delicious cookie smell signifies cookie doneness as effectively as a timer.

Read more: The Science Behind Baking the Most Delicious Cookie Ever | Good Sh*t | OZY