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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

And the Saga Continues . . .

In Richard Cohen's much talked about Washington Post column entitled, "Christie's Tea-Party Problem," he really stepped in it when wrote the following:

People with conventional views must repress a gag reflex when considering the mayor-elect of New York — a white man married to a black woman and with two biracial children. (Italics mine)

Good Lord.

The complete piece is below.  Check out the whole thing.

Here are some unsolicited suggestions for Mr. Cohen:

1)  Carry a bucket around with you everywhere you go cause you're going to be gagging and upchucking a lot.  In fact, you might want to invest in puke buckets and sell them at Tea Party rallies.

2)  Take a pass on writing anything referring to race (or interracial marriage, slavery, rape, sexuality, etc.) in America.  Share the love and let someone else have a turn.  You will save yourself a lot of grief.

You see, if this was a one time thing, it would be easily forgiven and quickly forgotten.  Unfortunately, that is not the case.

Here's a hat tip to Matt Connolly, who did a terrific job of highlighting some of your more questionable columns below.

To be fair, you explained in the "Christie's Tea-Party Problem," that you were describing the Tea Party folks, not expressing your personal opinion.  Somehow though, there did not appear to be a distinction between your thoughts and theirs.

And therein lies the problem.

Maybe, just maybe, your thoughts and ideas, like theirs, are a tad antiquated.  Maybe you've been sequestered away and didn't realize the world was changing all around you.  And on those rare occasions when you have arisen from your self-imposed hibernation and wrote about the things you saw and experienced, it's only served to reveal how lost, and behind the times you really are.

So, what to do?

Continue writing and continue offending.


Escape from your bubble and be enlightened.

Old dogs can learn new tricks.

Even you.

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