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Friday, May 16, 2014

Great Movie!

I finally saw "12 Years a Slave," the Academy Award Best Picture Winner.  It is a great movie, but tough to watch.  I was sitting on the edge of my seat the entire time, knowing that unspeakable atrocities could be/would be in every scene.

We've come a long way, for sure.

What is most amazing is that a movie displaying so much truth about this hellaciously evil time in our history, would be recognized as the best picture of the year.

I was reminded as recently as in today's newspaper, that people are oftentimes sent to prison now for mistreating animals, and yet not long ago, when people were savagely beaten, with the flesh ripped from their bodies, just cause, there were no consequences whatsoever.


I was also reminded of the slave labor that built this country into the great land that it is, and how the effects of that warped, single-minded, single-benefactor system are still very much evident today.

How can you not be advantaged when you reap the benefits of centuries of preferential treatment in land ownership and jobs?

How can folks, in good conscience, fight against affirmative action (which amounts to a bone being thrown our way), when they have been the recipients of untold advantages for generations?

So, as much as I appreciated the making of this movie, and the spreading of this message, it brings an uneasiness about my writings about forgiveness to the forefront.

I know.

I know.

We must forgive these unspeakable, hateful, vengeful, murderous people/episodes in our history, but it's no easy task when our children are still being gunned down for posing 'imaginary' threats to murderous, gun-toting state-sponsored vigilantes.


We've come a long way, but dear God, we still have miles to go.

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