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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Corporal Punishment

This sounds like such a harsh thing.

Corporal punishment.




That's what comes to mind when some folks hear the term.

But if we're talking about spankings, swatting a child on his or her bottom when they have misbehaved, I'm all for it.

I know.

I know.

There are folks out there who are categorically opposed to ever spanking/hitting a child for any reason.

I get it.

There are some who have gone too far and abused kids, and that should never happen.

But here's what I know for sure.

Kids better have the fear of God put in them when it comes to how they are to behave.

They had better be more afraid of the consequences of misbehaving when their parents find out, than from anything or anyone else.

As a principal, I used to tell kids I was going to call their parents, and if they responded with, "I don't care.  Call 'em."  I knew it would be a waste of time.

But if I said I was going to call home and they started shaking in their boots, I knew these kids were being disciplined at home.

There are parents who can achieve this without ever spanking their kids.

Kudos to them because that is no easy task.

But for me, spankings were always an option, and Ben and Frankie knew it.

My mother used to say, if you don't discipline kids when they're young, when they're older they'll be whupping you.

She used to also say that the jails and prisons were full of folks who someone thought was too cute to discipline.

Some will say this is "old school."

Maybe so.

But if raising a well-behaved kid is the result, then I will proudly wear that label.


Now take a minute to check out this article.  The author makes some excellent points, especially the contrast between white and black parenting, but I beg to differ on the conclusion she makes.

What do you think?

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