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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Things I 've Learned

Every day brings new lessons, and at almost 59, I've learned a lot.

Mostly I've learned . . .

There is an incredible joy in giving, not expecting anything in return.

I've learned forgiveness is a choice, and one I'll forever be grateful I chose to embrace.

I've learned to expect the best - from myself and others.

I've learned that the decision to be happy is mine alone.  I can choose to wake up thinking about all that is wrong in the world or in my life, or I can choose to focus on all the is right, and the possibilities of all of the goodness that lies ahead.

I've learned that there is no greater joy than being a parent.  Nothing compares to seeing Ben and Frankie take their place in the world, and do those things that they alone are destined to do.

I've learned that all over the world, people are good, and kind and generous.

I've learned that in spite of our outward appearances and different cultures, people are much more alike than we are different.

I've learned that forgiveness unlocks the door to happiness and peace of mind.

I've learned that a smile disarms the most hardened among us.

I've learned, long ago from my dear Mom, that it's important to do your part when you meet someone - speak to those who may or may not respond.  What they do with this greeting is their business, but you've done your part.

I've learned that sometimes people just need you to listen, to be.

I've learned that no matter what's happened, or who has wronged you, forgiveness is the key to get passed it.

I've learned, the hard way, that holding a grudge simply holds yourself in bondage. It's not about the other person, it's all about you.

I've learned that worrying is a waste of time.  It accomplishes nothing but increasing your anxiety levels.

I've learned that believing in the wonders of God has little to do with organized religion.

I've learned to be grateful for my life - the ups and downs and everything in between.

I've learned to appreciate the lessons that life teaches us.

I've learned to live life and to enjoy every single day of it.

What have you learned?

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