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Friday, March 22, 2013


There's this great Microsoft commercial that features two brothers, a year or two apart, and it shows the fun and sibling rivalry as they grow up through the years. It ends with them still competing as grown men.

It reminded me of the men in my world.

In many ways, your siblings know you best.  They have been with you from the beginning.  There is the exception, of course.  It doesn't hold true when there are many years that separate you.  But, for the most part, if you grow up together, it does.

What, or who, makes a family?

Brothers, sisters, moms and dads?  Extended relatives?

The people you meet in life, that you connect with on a deeper level, can't they be considered family, too?

What makes some folks better at being families than others?

Forrest and I were chatting about the recent death of a dear friend of his.  And we marveled at what a wonderful man he was, but we also noted that his whole family were just "good people."  People who made you a better person by knowing them.

Why are some people better at being families than others?  What did this family do that made such an extraordinary difference in how they all turned out?

If, we as families, basically all start off the same, why don't we end up in the same place?

Why are some families so dysfunctional you wonder how they made it all at?  And others, like this family friend's, made it look easy and are models for us all?

Here's to families everywhere, trying to figure this out, and doing the best we can.

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