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Thursday, March 7, 2013


If you know someone who is cheating in a relationship, do you expose them, or let the certainty of karma take it's course?

When the dirt is all out there for everyone to see, do you continue to embrace that person, or kick them to the curb for their indiscretions?

What if this person is family?

What if the aggrieved is family?

Do you shop around for a hit man?

Or do you do the humane thing and forgive?

Is there any indiscretion that we should deem unforgivable?

Do kids from broken homes make better mates because they want to be better than the disfunction they witnessed and were inescapably a part of?

Or, do they make the same mistakes because they were never taught how to create, or be a part of, a caring, positive environment?

Finally, why do people screw around in the first place?

Is it just because they can?

Or, is it because they think something is missing, and so they look for greener pastures?

How much of their inner conflict is based not on what their mate is or isn't doing, but on their own shortcomings that they have refused to deal with?

I know you're thinking . . . I missed my calling.

I should have been a shrink.

You can stop rolling your eyes now.

Think about it though.

They're master at asking questions (although I'm not claiming to be).  As part of their training, do they have a mandatory class on questioning strategies to get people to give up and share their deep dark secrets?  Does this trait help them in their own relationships?  Or is it an annoying tick their mate has to deal with?


Maybe psychiatry/psychology is not my thing, but it sure is interesting looking from the outside in.

What are some of your questions?

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