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Sunday, March 22, 2015

A Blustery Day

At about 6:45 this morning, we experienced hurricane force winds that made it nearly impossible to walk outside.

I took the garbage outdoors at 6:40, and when I returned outside five minutes later to load my car, I couldn't get two steps past the door.

Imagine a field of salt that is being blown into you by an industrial size fan.  Now imagine that fan is on full blast with "knocking you over" kind of force.

I'm not sure what was worse - the stinging of the sand hitting my face/body, for the wild winds pushing me back.

Things were so bad, I couldn't move.  I just stood by the wall, hoping that the winds would calm down soon.  One of my neighbors drove up and saw me struggling, and offered to take me to school.

What a blessing that was!

He broke with protocol by doing this.

Women are not supposed to be in cars with men who are not family.

Thankfully, he ignored that rule when he offered me the ride.

Soon after it began, the winds did indeed die down, but not before engulfing our school with sand galore in every room and in every nook and cranny.  It was even foggy in the building, making this a real Winnie the Pooh Blustery Day.

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