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Friday, April 3, 2015

This is NUTS!

I just watched "Going Clear:  Scientology and the Prison of Belief."

It should be required watching for every man, woman and child.

Scientology is a sick, dangerous organization that has bullied it's way into being recognized as a religion, for the sole purpose of becoming tax-exempt.

People are swept in by some innocuous, easy to swallow teachings.  Then the higher they go in the organization, the more money is required, and the more outlandish the messages.

As I was watching, I kept thinking - "How could so many people fall for this nonsense?"  The teachings are rooted in science fiction.



This is CRAZY!!!

It's LOONEY!!!

But mostly, it's DANGEROUS!!!

It's dangerous because they trap you, literally blackmail you, to stay in the organization.

A big part of what they do is extensive interviews requiring you to reveal your deepest, darkest secrets and sins, and then when you try to leave, the threat of releasing this information is used to keep you from getting the hell out of Dodge.

For those brave souls who do make it out, they are completely ostracized by everyone still associated with the organization.

There is also a "bully squad" of bandits from the church whose express job is to harass and intimate these people who have escaped.

It is criminal that Scientology is allowed to exist, and so many people have been sucked into it's lair of deceit.

But . . .

You know what's even scarier?

They are not the only ones.

I believe there are many churches that operate on variations of this playbook of fear and intimidation.

It really causes you to question, and seriously examine, all organized religious groups.

I'm not saying we should throw out the baby with the bath water, but it would behoove all of us to take a real close look at the baby.

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