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Monday, June 4, 2012

Tiger, Tiger, Tiger!

Tiger's winning today was big news.  He tied Jack Nicklaus with 73 wins.

I have mixed emotions about this.

On the one hand, I'm happy for him.  On the other, I'm still struggling to get over his infamous indiscretions.

I know.  I know.   I should practice what I preach and let it go.  I should forgive this low-down, dirty dog for his actions.


Not why should I forgive, but why does a guy like Tiger, with the world had his feet, feel the need to stoop so low?

We've seen it time and time again.  Powerful guys who scrape the bottom of the barrel, and for what?  A cheap thrill?

Why do they do it?

Is it really just because they can?

The men in my world think I should have let this go a long time ago.

I just couldn't let him off that easy.

Remember when I said I think like a man?  I take that back.  I'm all woman in my thoughts about this.  Guys are so much faster to condone this kind of nonsense.

Maybe that's it.  Maybe we women have been blessed with more common sense in this arena.


Guys (ok, people) are destined to do what they want to do, with whoever they want to do it with.

So, I'm letting go.

I just hope we've seen the last of this.

That's wishful thinking . . .  I know.

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