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Saturday, June 22, 2013


My mantra - forgive no matter what - has been put to the test recently.  In fact, it's been a real struggle.

How do you deal with a relative (a brother), who couldn't bother to travel less than 20 miles to see you, after you had traveled over 10,000 to see him, (and others, of course)?

I know.


How do you deal with his wife who has made it abundantly clear that you're not welcome in their home?

I know.


How do you deal with his wife who has said she won't notify you in the event of his death?

I know.


How do you deal with someone who attempts (and succeeds) in keeping family members apart?

I know.


A part of me feels sorry for this brother.  If he doesn't toe the line, he has hell to pay at home.

But . . .

At what point do you say, "enough is enough."

How long do you allow someone to railroad you into doing things that you know are wrong?

I realize, if it hasn't happened by the time you're 71 years old with over 50 years of marriage, chances are, it never will.

So, I choose to forgive . . .

But what I'd like to do is kick his old a**.

1 comment:

  1. Forgive....but never forget. Thinking about you my friend.
