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Thursday, June 27, 2013

"If You Can't Stand the Heat . . .

. . . Get Out of the Kitchen."

Things are real hot for Paula Deen right now.  The more she talks/explains/pleads, the worst her situation becomes.  She needs to just go away for a while, regroup/rethink/recharge, then come back ready to make amends.

Of course, there are many of her fans who think what she's going through is wrong. I'm guessing they're not people who have dealt with institutionalized racism.  That is, racism so ingrained in society, unless you're on the receiving end of it, you think nothing of it.

Some would argue that she's been through enough.  She's learned her lesson.  We need to move on.

I agree that we need to move on, but I have my doubts about the lessons learned.

You see, when you've been saying something, and/or doing something for a lifetime, it's hard to recognize the wrong in it.  It is just how things are, in your mind.  And if you can't see what the problem/fuss is, how can you possibly address it?

There are floods of tears and remorse now, but is it because of recognizing the wrongdoing, or is it because now that the "cat is out of the bag," it forces you to deal with it?  And since you're on the wrong side of tracks on this, you come out looking pretty bad.  Twenty, forty or sixty years ago, this would not have been an issue.  In fact, she probably would have been lauded for her conduct and her comments.

But, thankfully, times have changed.

So, the "Redemption Tour" begins.

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