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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Catching Up

Oh what a difference a day makes.

I've been glued to my computer, following the extraordinary events the folks in the US have lived through.

The Boston Marathon Bombs.

The fertilizer plant explosion in Texas.

I know you don't need reminders of what happened, but if I should read this entry years from now, I'll know what incredible week I was referring to, and I'll know why it will live in infamy.

Of course, the news made headlines all over the world, and I picked up several local papers to see how the events were seen through the eyes of the folks in my world. Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to read them, but it is on my list of things to do today.

On a positive note, my niece and one of her girlfriends visited Dubai, and stayed a couple of days with me.  What a treat that was!  They're off this morning, back to New York and beyond.  They gave me a view of the city from their eyes.  Our impressions were very similar.  It is space age and primitive.

It's that time of year at schools everywhere when teacher evaluations are taking place.  Yesterday we met with 17 teachers, today we're scheduled to see 20.  We have a staff of about 75 teachers, so it's a daunting task.

You know, after all that has happened recently, plain old, uneventful, ordinary days, are what I'm looking forward to.

May your world be filled with ordinary days, too.

Good night to you.

Good morning to me.


  1. Hi Faye,

    I got your blog from Kue from SCOE. Sounds like things are going well. I wold love to teach in Dubai one day. Do they have any summer teaching programs over there. Take Care
    Daniel Carrigan

    1. Great hearing from you Daniel! Email me at and I'll give you the scoop on working in the UAE.
