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Saturday, June 18, 2016

Happy Father's Day

To all you dads, young and old.

To all you who are absolutely clueless, and know it, and to the seasoned veterans who have figured it out.

I think fathers have it harder.

Somehow, so much about being a mom is instinctive.

Fatherhood, not so much.

How else do you explain how a man can walk out on his kids, seeing them every blue moon, if then, and be OK with that.

Although it happens with women who walk away from their offspring, but it's rare.

So, for all of you dads who have stuck it out, kudos.

We don't need you to be perfect, we just need you to be there.

Even if you're separated or divorced, you can and should, still be there for your kids.

They need you.

They need to know that no matter what, you've got them.

They need to know they can depend on you.

You see, as much as we moms fill in the blanks and pull up the slack when you're gone, by choice or otherwise, it's no substitute for the real thing.

For those of you who would argue that some people are better off with their fathers out of their lives (those who are abusive, for example), I agree.  Many a mom has run away to escape the horrors in their home, but I'd like to think that this is rare, too.

I choose to believe that most people want to do the right thing.

Most fathers want to be there.

They want to be better.

So for those of you fathers who are there, trying, doing your best to make it work,

Happy Father's Day!

And for those of you who are not . . .

Come on guys, you got this.

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