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Monday, May 13, 2013

Blazing Hot!

It's 5:00 in the afternoon and it's 109 degrees outside.  Please send cool thoughts my way.

Side note - In yesterday's post about the cool "shower" app, I was only going to forward the info about the app, but decided at the last minute to send the article, to fully appreciate how awesome it was.  In doing that, I forgot the change the verb tense from "is" to "are" in the second sentence.


If I wrote about the many errors I commit in my writing, it would be a very long post. So, how about a blanket apology for how I butcher the written English language.

Please forgive me for all of my prior errors, and the ones I've yet to commit.

Thank you, in advance, for not holding my feet to the fire . . . too long.

Now, might I suggest you also thank God, because chances are really good, wherever you are, it's cooler that 109.

Your bloggin' buddy . . . signing off.

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