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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hello 2

I did it!  I found a way to add music to this blog.  It's just a preview, still working on adding the whole song, but I'm pretty proud nonetheless.

So, I've just copied the earlier post, deleted the YouTube links and added the music player.



The way people greet each is intriguing.

Here in the UAE, the locals and other Arabs recite something when they meet each other.  What's interesting is that their responses overlap.  They're both talking at the same time, so they're not listening to the other person.  I'm not sure if they're saying the same thing, or if it's a call and response, or if the greeting changes with whoever it is they're talking to.

"Hello" is more universal than I realized.  It's used here and most of the other places I've visited.

I've mentioned before that the locals greet someone they know well by rubbing noses.  So you see guys rubbing noses, and to a lesser degree, women and children.

Men shake hands with other men, and women shake hands with other women. Women almost never shake hands with men, except if the Arab man is more familiar with Westerners, and our customs, he may offer his hand to a Western woman. Typically Arab women greet each other with kisses, several on one cheek or alternately from side to side.  It seems to differ depending on which Arab country is represented. The more kisses, the better they like you.

Greetings are important.  Time is spent saying hello.  Many a meeting has been interrupted by someone arriving, and folks stand, say hello, embrace, kiss and carry on a conversation.  It doesn't matter what was happening in the meeting.  Everything stops for this.

Side note - Bill Withers has a beautiful song called, "Hello like Before."  Check out this song and the one mentioned below the music player on the right.

Side note 2 - Don't read anything into the lyrics.  I'm not sending a subliminal message.  There's no longing for yesterday.  Speaking of yesterday though, here's another great song, first recorded by the Beatles.  I love this guy's soulful version.

Here's wishing you a wonderful day!

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