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Monday, October 21, 2013

Like Me

Have you ever met someone that reminds you of yourself, but not in a good way?

I met someone recently that was quite the chatterbox.  Within five minutes I knew her life story.

Please allow me to interject some pertinent information.

This lady was African-American, from the South.

Typically Black folks acknowledge each other with a nod or a quick hello, and oftentimes that turns into full fledge conversations, like we're long lost friends.  I think this happens because we generally share commonalities, and can skip over the introductions rather quickly and move into the "meat" of the conversation.

And so it was with this person.  We went from "hello" to some pretty deep stuff, faster than you can say, TMI (too much information).

But I do this, too.

Do others see me like I saw this person?

Good Lord, put a watch over my tongue.

On the flip side, I've met a lot of wonderful folks by being bold enough to strike up a conversation, but that's different . . . I think.

I love what Frankie said one time.

He noted that his father was socially awkward, and then added, that so was I.

He thought Frank was uncomfortable with small talk, but he noted that he thought I was too, because I'd ask questions, and if there was a lull in the conversation, I'd answer them, too.


Guilty as charged.

But am I also like this person mentioned above, with her drivel assault?  That's a serious accusation.

Please allow me to pause for a minute to . . .

Get into my Zen space . . . 

To breathe deeply . . . 

And think hard . . . 


I'm back.

Upon further review,

I'm probably guilty of that, too.


I'm definitely guilty of it.

And yes, my "forgiveness" button will be working overtime tonight.

I promise . . .

Beginning today, I will listen to myself when I talk, and remember what it's like when someone goes on and on, and I will just . . .


Please note -

Self reflection is not for the faint of heart.

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