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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Great Article on Siblings

In the New York Times today, there's this wonderful article about the power of the relationship of siblings.  The link is below.

I thank God for my brothers.  I had three.  Now there are two.

I was closest to Terry (decreased) because he was a year older than me, so we literally grew up together.  Willie is fourteen years older (71) and Forrest is ten years older (67).

Willie left home when I was four, heading to the military.  I didn't really get to know him until I was an adult.  His choices in life have made it more difficult to be close, but we still try.

Forrest has been like a father to me.  Much more so than our father ever was.

He's the one we all turn to for advice.  He can see things clearer than anyone I know.  He's also the one who will call you on your sh*t.  Everyone needs someone like him in their lives.

When it was time for me to go to college, he convinced Mom to let me leave Texas and go away to school, to his alma mater, Florida A & M University.  Believe me when I say, this was HUGE, MONUMENTAL!  Not only that, when the two year scholarship money that I received ran out, he paid for the remaining three years for me to complete school and earn my degree in pharmacy.

I don't know where I'd be without Forrest, and the positive influence he has had, and continues to have in my life.

When I want to laugh, I call Forrest.

When I want to vent, I call Forrest.

When I want to celebrate, I call Forrest.

Would it be different if I was married or in a relationship, maybe.

Here's what I know for sure.

I wouldn't be the person I am, without him.

The author of the above article lamented that we recognize Mother's Day and Father's Day, but we don't recognize our brothers and sisters.

Let's declare today Siblings Day.

Here's to you Forrest!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Fahrenheit vs. Celsius

Most businesses, including the medical profession, work split shifts here on most days.  Their hours are from 8:00-1:00, then again from 5:00-9:00.  Once a week they rotate having a regular 8:00-5:00 day.

I had a 7:30 pm dental appointment tonight.  At 8:00, it was still 100 degrees outside.

If you put your oven on full blast, and put a fan near it to blow the air out, that's what it feels like when you leave the comfort of air conditioning.

It's blazing hot, even in the shade, and even at dusk.

It seems like everywhere else in the world measures temperature using Celsius. Somehow, it just doesn't hold the "wow" factor that Fahrenheit does.

For instance, 100 degrees F equals 38 degrees C.

Which sounds hotter to you?


We're told not to hurry in the heat.  That you just make yourself hotter when you do.

Well, that's advice I don't heed.

When I have to be outside, I'm racing to get to the next air conditioned spot.

Am I hotter because of it?

Who knows?

I'm fortunate though.  I've acclimated to the area better than most.  There are plenty of folks who suffer with respiratory ailments (because of the fine dust) and the heat.

I know what you're thinking.

People are never satisfied.

Folks living in hot weather, want cold.  Those in rainy areas, what dry.

So, given that scenario, I'm working on my gratitude.

I'm trying to be thankful, in spite of the heat.

It's something I have to work at . . . everyday.

Friday, May 24, 2013


There is an article today in The Root, about a bus tour in the Bronx, that until very recently, was called the "Ghetto Tour."  I wonder how many people thought this was a good idea, and how many folks actually signed up for it?

I'm forever grateful for the many places I've visited since living abroad.  In many of them, the poverty was overwhelming, and right in your face.  In the interest of preserving the memories, photos were taken.

But . . .

Do you take pictures of the dirty toddles with flies all over their faces?

Do you take pictures of the squalor living conditions?

Do you take pictures of the people who seem content in their wretchedness?

At what point does it go from documenting the trip, to exploiting the locals?

I think it's fair to say that few people want their misery broadcast to the world.

On the other hand, maybe it's through this broadcasting that help can be found.

It's a touchy subject, but I think erring on the side of dignity should be the ultimate goal.


I like going to the movies.  Always have.

Ben and Frankie used to tease me about going alone.  I always responded by reminding them I watched movies at home alone all the time.  So, going to the theater alone was no big deal.

They thought I, and the whole notion of going alone, was pretty pathetic though.

Anyway, going to the movies here takes more effort.

There are no marquees announcing what's playing.  All of the malls have theaters, and most of the hotels, too, but you wouldn't know that unless you ventured to the top floor and stumbled across them.  There are no outside, or street level, ads for the theaters.

The lack of advertising what's playing makes finding something to watch pretty colorful.

All of the silly comic book character movies usually open here at same time as in the US, but really, who would pay money to see that?

I know.  Lots of folks.  But hopefully no one over 50.

I've made enough blank trips to have had a recent "aha moment" of finally getting the phone number of the two most convenient theaters, so now I call ahead to find out what's playing and the show times.

I'm always looking for good movies to watch.

Any suggestions?

Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Dapper Dude

I love this guy!  He makes 83 years old look really good.

From the Huffington Post.

Friday, May 17, 2013

A Woman Making a Difference

Below is a powerful story of a retired teacher who has opened her home to the neighborhood kids in Watts.  If you don't have time to read the story, watch the two minute video about halfway down the article.  It's inspiring.

Miss Israel 2

I heard (thanks Frankie) that there was a problem viewing this post.  My apologies.  A link to the story is below.


Miss Israel

Miss Israel
(When I was in Ethiopia recently, I was surprised to learn about Ethiopian Jews who had settled
in Israel.  The new Miss Israel represents them beautifully.  Hat tip to Forrest for sharing this).

President Obama Meets with First-Ever
Ethiopian Crowned Miss Israel.

Israel is putting its best face forward
for President Obama, and what better face to put forward for America’s first
black president than Israel’s first black beauty queen?

The newly crowned
Miss Israel is an Ethiopian Jewish immigrant to Israel.
She is joining Obama Thursday for the
official state dinner in Jerusalem.

Ethiopian immigrants have struggled to
integrate into Israeli society, but Obama will be getting a taste of some of
their recent success stories.

A few weeks ago, more than a quarter of all Israeli TV viewers watched the judges announce the new Miss Israel of2013.

Titi is her name, short for Yityish Aynaw.

She was the only black finalist in this year’s beauty pageant and she
has become Israel’s first black beauty queen. She’s tall, commanding, and

“It’s time that someone from my
community, someone with my skin color, who is Israeli just like everyone
else, represent the country,” Aynaw said.

What captivated the judges was not only her beauty, but also her life story.
Born in a small town, Titi was orphaned
by the time she was about 10. She moved to Israel to live with her
grandparents, who had already left Ethiopia for a new life here.
Titi said as an Ethiopian Jew, she grew up with stories about the Land of Milk and Honey, but her new life in Israel
wasn’t all milk and honey.
Titi hardly remembered her grandparents.
She was sent to an Israeli boarding school without knowing a word of Hebrew.

Some of her classmates made fun of her Ethiopian name,
“What is ‘Yitayish?’ This is my name.
but it sounds weird,” she says. “There were times they’d call me ‘Tayish.’ In
Hebrew that’s a kind of animal. You know?”
But she was proud of her Ethiopian
heritage, and unlike many other Ethiopian Jewish immigrants who took on
Hebrew names, she kept her own.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

"I wanna be a policeman."

Lots of the kids say that in Dubai.  It might be because they drive some of the coolest cars on the planet.

The fastest street-legal car in the world is the Bugatti Veyron, and the Dubai police just acquired it.  This car joins a fleet that includes a Lamborghini, and a Ferrari.

Check them out in the link below.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Wrong Link!

Clearly, yesterday was not a good day for blogging.  Forrest just shared that I put the wrong link for the shower app.

The good news though, is you might have found news ways to make grill cheese sandwiches.

Anyway . . .

Let me try this again.


Blazing Hot!

It's 5:00 in the afternoon and it's 109 degrees outside.  Please send cool thoughts my way.

Side note - In yesterday's post about the cool "shower" app, I was only going to forward the info about the app, but decided at the last minute to send the article, to fully appreciate how awesome it was.  In doing that, I forgot the change the verb tense from "is" to "are" in the second sentence.


If I wrote about the many errors I commit in my writing, it would be a very long post. So, how about a blanket apology for how I butcher the written English language.

Please forgive me for all of my prior errors, and the ones I've yet to commit.

Thank you, in advance, for not holding my feet to the fire . . . too long.

Now, might I suggest you also thank God, because chances are really good, wherever you are, it's cooler that 109.

Your bloggin' buddy . . . signing off.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Below is an article about a new app that simulates a shower running.  The article and the app are pretty cool.


From the Huffington Post

Going Home

First . . .

Happy Mother's Day!

Second . . .

I'm really starting to get excited about my June trip home.  I'll be in New York to catch up with Frankie and his family, and other relatives in the area, beginning on the 7th.  Then I'll head to San Francisco to be with Ben and his family and friends as we celebrate his getting his PhD in civil engineering from UC Davis, on the 13th.  I'll get to meet his little girl Milu, too.  I can't wait!  My last stop will be in Houston to visit my brothers.

Like last year when I was in New York for Frankie and Cara's wedding ceremony, I'll have to come back to close the school year out, so I'll be in the US for two weeks.

Ben's graduation is a huge deal in and of itself, but it is especially so because he began the program while he was recovering from his accident.  In fact, at one of his lowest points, when he was healing from the physical ailments, but still couldn't see past his present state, a dear friend (a psychologist we've known for years), suggested that he return to school and pursue a PhD in his field.  This was the motivation Ben needed to move forward.  So, he applied to UC Davis, explained his predicament of having to schedule classes around surgeries, and his journey began.

There will be so much to celebrate, and thank God for, as he walks across that stage.

Guess who will be the proudest momma there?

Saturday, May 11, 2013


I found it!

I found a crock pot.

In a furniture store.

Don't ask.

The reason it would be there, doesn't make sense to me either.

Anyway . . .

I know you think this excitement is a bit much, but it's funny how the mind works. As long as it figures out you want something that you can't have, you then become obsessed with getting it, whatever "it" is.

Or, maybe it's just me.

So, of course, I made a pot of red beans to try out this new kitchen tool/toy.  In fact, I made three.  The first two I threw away because the beans were as hard as bullets. I googled solutions to the "hard bean" issue, and the best explanation was the beans were old. That makes sense.  Red beans are not a part of the local cuisine, so God only knows how long they had been on the shelf.

The first batch I tried soaking overnight.  The second batch I didn't soak, but brought them to a boil, then let them simmer for hours and hours. Both were recommendations from the internet.

They were still hard as a brick.

Then, viola!

I picked up a different brand, cooked my third batch, and they were delicious.



Also today, I had the maintenance guys over to change some light bulbs.  The ceilings are way too high to venture up that road.

Talk about "let there be light!"

It's 8:00 at night, but it's so bright in here, it feels like midday.

Now I realized I had been living in the dark for months.

By all measurements, today was a good day.

Here's hoping yours is too.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Everyday Kindness

Below is a link to a video clip of a beautiful display of human kindness.  It was filmed in Russia and it reflected my experience there.

Even though the taxi system was kind of shady, each of the drivers I rode with made sure I was safe when they dropped me off.

The tour guide went out of his way to help me find something.  He was also the one who encouraged me to take the subway, which was an awesome experience.

Of course, I don't mean to suggest that there aren't kind people all over, but I think it's especially surprising (for lack of a better word) that this kindness was evident in Russia.  I expected the people to be cold, like the weather, and they were not.  At all.


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Great Message

I hope you're able to access this YouTube video entitled, "Meet A Muslim Person."

If not, just go directly to YouTube and type the title in.

It's a powerful message from some young kids.

"When I Was Your Man"

This little four year old is giving Bruno Mars a run for his money.

What a cutie!

From the Huffington Post.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Screws in My Head

I know.

You're thinking I have loose screws in my head.


But the ones I'm referring to are actual screws, drilled into my gums.

This is what happens when those years of not taking care of your teeth catch up with you.

It's dentures or screws.

I chose screws . . .

As in those used in dental implants.

I went through phase two of the four part process on Saturday, and was in bed for two days afterward.

I'm not sure why it didn't register that drilling screws in head might be painful.  Even with anesthesia, it was no joke.

So, as I've shared many times before, make your dentist your friend and visit often.

Of course, brush and floss.

Believe me, the alternative to good preventive care, is . . .

Dentures or . . .


Here's to good dental health, so that you won't have to choose either.

Friday, May 3, 2013

A Teacher's TED Talk


Watch her on the link below (she's a great speaker) or read her story below that.

From the Huffington Post.

Teachers don't make a lot of money. They are usually not deemed worthy of news coverage unless there is a scandal or a strike. Most of the time, their major accomplishments are shared only with colleagues and family members and not the media. The celebration is often cut short by some catastrophe the next day. Yet, in spite of the highs and lows, I cannot think of another profession that brings both joy and challenge on a daily basis.

In the spring of my career, I found myself questioning the choice of my life's work. The students did not appear to be motivated, the paperwork was overwhelming and the constant change of educational direction was discouraging. But, I just could not seem bring myself to do anything else. "Next year", I would say. "Next year I will switch jobs, make more money and have far less stress." Next year just never came. I am now in year 40. And while I am no longer in the classroom or at the schoolhouse, I remain an educator. It finally dawned on me that there was no other profession that would let me change children's minds and have an impact on their future, long after the school day and school year were over. For every student that finally "got it," for every rookie teacher that said, "you inspired me to stay," I get the raise that never quite made it to my paycheck.

I was on a plane recently and the flight attendant asked my name. When I told him, he said, "I knew that was you! You taught at my elementary school. You made me take my cap off in the building and told me I was handsome." He then paused and said: "I think I kept my hat on until you saw me, just so I could get that compliment. Thank you for making me feel special." I don't think he realized how special he made me feel that day. There have been so many former students over the years that have made me realize the sustaining power of relationships.

I most certainly realize the extreme importance of being a competent teacher. Unfortunately, far too many in our ranks are unqualified and poorly trained. Many are working tirelessly to rectify that. But while we address what we teach and when we teach it, we must not forget to include how we deliver those lessons. Unless there is a connection between teacher, student and lesson, learning becomes tiresome to all involved. Veteran educator, James Comer, states that, "No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship." Yet, the value of relationships is often downplayed or ignored completely in teacher preparation programs. Even more disturbing is the lack of useable information on the relationship building process. There is the belief among some that camaraderie between teachers and students leads to unprofessional familiarity or places the teacher in a weakened position in the classroom. Nothing could be further from the truth. Strong relationships encourage learner exploration, dialogue, confidence, and mutual respect.

I made it my business to know everything I could about my students. Where they lived and with whom, how often they changed schools, how many siblings they had, whether or not they lived in a house or an apartment, whether there was trauma or drama in the household. I went on home visits and shopped in the neighborhood stores so I could be certain to run into my students and the folk they lived with. (Some of my best parent conferences were held on the produce isle at the grocery store). Many may consider my actions extreme. I called it "preparation for what might lie ahead." Teaching and learning is often hindered by the details not found in school records. There is an African proverb that states: "The best time to make a friend is when you don't need one." I was being proactive. It is advice I always give to others.

The more you know about a person, the easier it is to develop an alliance (if that is your intention). Positive, healthy relationships rely on clear communication. Without it, misunderstandings occur and intentions are misinterpreted. I wanted an open pathway to learning, so I was open to their questions, as well.

We have now entered an age where nothing is private and secrets are hard to keep. Your "friends" are counted by simply clicking a button. Face to face interactions are seen by many as unnecessary and time-consuming. Of course, we can do just about anything online, including teaching and learning. But I guess I am just old school. I want to look into your eyes when the answer finally dawns on you. I want to hear that inflection in your voice when you are angry with me. I want to see the smile on your face when you forgive me. I want to share in the joy when we both realize that we make a good team.

Sharing the Good News

Another link about incredibly smart girls.  Their story deserves widespread exposure. Share it with someone.

NEW ORLEANS After graduating from Xavier University with a 4.0 average in both chemistry and pre-med, Asia Matthew went looking to beat the odds. She wanted to enroll at the prestigious University of Massachusetts Medical School in a selective, eight-year program where you concurrently earn a PHD and MD.

It's a rigorous program where you earn the doctor’s degree simultaneously with a PHD in biomedical research.

However, only the best get in. Hundreds apply and the school annually interviews only 40. From that group, between seven and ten are chosen. I was nervous, she admitted. It's hard not to be. This is the one thing that I’ve wanted for a long time and when you see it almost at your fingertips, you don’t want to do anything to let it slip. Asia beat the odds and got accepted, a great coup for her and Xavier. But Asia isn’t making the journey on her own. Her twin sister Ashley is going too. They're identical twins and were dealing with the idea that they’d be separated for the first time in their lives. I was ecstatic, said Ashley. “My sister and I were jumping up and down and we fell over and ended up tripping each other because we were so happy. We didn’t think it would happen and it did.

Not as surprised was Dr. Terry Watt their professor and mentor who saw their skills, work habit and motivation first hand. It's exceedingly difficult to get into an MD/PHD program and the odds that both of them would get in anywhere were extremely low,” he said. “We’re all very proud of them for the effort they put in to do it. It’s well-deserved. 

Two sisters from the same school getting two of the handful of spots that were open, and, to top it off, they both are going on full scholarship. Their plans for the long run, are to give back with their patients and their research.
I want to be able to see my patients, said Ashely. B ut, I also want to be able to go into the lab and make influential progress that’s going to help my patients in the long run. 

Someday they also hope to open a hospital for the less fortunate. Just to open up a hospital that would be dedicated towards that that should be anybody's goal, said Asia .