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Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I'm one of those rare women who don't like to shop.  Not for food, clothes, etc. Being raised with guys, and then having guys - I think that's why the shopping gene just passed me by.

I made an appointment to get my hair done after school, to get out all of the remnants of our Cultural Day celebration.  There was still some of the tomato saucy perfume that was spread all around my face and well into my hair.

Me at Cultural Day festivities
in a burka, wearing a shayla, holding a watering jug.
Yes, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

The hair salon is right behind a grocery store.  I needed a couple of things, but found myself just wandering around in there.  Probably because I was hungry.

Note to self - You know better.  NEVER shop hungry.

Anyway, I didn't heed that advice and picked up a dutch apple loaf cake that looked really good.

First hint this was a mistake - it was displayed next to fruitcakes.  It is universally known, fruitcakes are awful.

Second hint - the expiration date on it was February 2020.

Yes, you read that right.  The year 2020.

And, brilliant woman that I am, in spite of these glaring warning signs, I bought the cake.

When I opened the package it was hard as a brick on the top.  Too hard for a sharp knife to cut.  No, it was not frozen.  It was, in fact, at room temperature.  I noticed the bottom of it wasn't quite as hard, so I turned it over and sawed my way through it and cut off a slice.

Third hint this purchase was a mistake - any cake, bread, or cake-like food that is hard as a brick, should be chucked IMMEDIATELY.

Of course, I didn't do that.  instead, I popped that slice in the toaster, and the aroma coming from it convinced me it was f-i-n-e.

It wasn't.

Once out of the toaster, I buttered it,


It was still hard as a brick and some of the nastiest food I've ever eaten.

The lessons learned today include, but certainly not limited to, the following:

1)  Stay out of grocery stores when you're hungry

2)  No matter how good something looks in the store, if the expiration is beyond next week, DO NOT buy it

3)  Don't hesitate to throw any food away if it is so hard it could be used as a doorstop.  Exception - melons.

After this experience, I'll think twice before grocery shopping,


I will eat BEFORE I shop.


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