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Thursday, February 9, 2012

New Do

Left work today and raced to the spa.  I was scheduled for a pedicure and waxing - eyebrows - but I decided to add a manicure and a haircut.

There was a young lady there with a really sassy cut, and I wanted that one.  What I got was a more conservative  version of that, but I'm happy with it.  What do you think?

It's OK.  I can handle the brutal honesty.

On second thought, lie to me.

If you're wondering if I took the picture myself in my bathroom, you're right.  A limitation of living alone is having to resort to this.  I could knock on my ghetto fabulous neighbor's door, but I'm not up for ghetto tonight.

Side note - Thank God, my internet download speed is working and working fabulously.  I tried it before leaving for school today, and the downloads were zipping through, lightning fast.  No need for a serviceman on Saturday.

I didn't get home until 8:00 again tonight.  I'm looking forward to lots of rest and relaxation this weekend.

Although I do have to make up a few Arabic classes I've missed, and that happens on Saturday.  If the guy wasn't such a good teacher, I'd probably drop it.  It's hard doing any mental exercise after work.  My brain is usually fried and needing to rest after 3:00pm.

Side note 2 - A Maserati passed me on the road when I was in Abu Dhabi earlier this week.

Side note 3 - The toilet paper here is different.  I think it's two-ply, but the paper is very loosely rolled, so you go through rolls really fast.  Most of it feels like sandpaper, but I found one brand that's wonderfully soft and the rolls are standard size.  Yes, I have a closet full of it.  When I see it, I buy it.

In my last year of college, my youngest brother (Terry, a year older than me, now deceased), shared an apartment.  That was about the time that generic brands became readily available.  When we shopped, he was adamant about buying name brand toilet paper.  He taught me that generic brands just don't cut it for every thing.  Toilet paper is one of those sacred things.  Spend the extra nickel or dime or whatever it is and enjoy the comfort that only quality toilet paper can bring.

OK.  Now that this conversation/monologue/chat, has gone to the toilet - literally - it's probably a sign that I've run out of things to say.  Not so, but it's a good place to stop nonetheless.

My weekend begins now.

Happy Thursday to you!

1 comment:

  1. Love your hair cut!!!! Looking good. I have the same "issue(s)" if you will with toliet paper, there is something to it. I stock up on it AND must have a certain kind. Could totally relate to this. I am up way past my bedtime, doing what you were doing a few weeks ago, collecting thoughts on teacher observations.
