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Sunday, February 12, 2012


Whitney's death.  What a shock!  And a sad, sad ending to an amazing artist.

Her story is a cautionary tale on so many levels.

After all these years,I hear my Mom saying - tell me who you follow and I'll tell you who you are.

Whitney's downward slide seems to have started when she hooked up with, and evidently married, Bobby.  With the exception of their daughter, from the outside looking in, it doesn't look like much good came from that relationship.

It was tough watching Whitney's slide from afar.  Can you imagine how tough it was for her family?  Her Mom?

How many folks have gone down that same road, unable to find the right path again, whatever that is.  How many of us are thanking God today that our lives have turned out the way they have.

One decision - good or bad - can have a lasting impact on our lives.

Why is it that some of the uber talented people have the hardest time coming to grips with their gift?  Is it harder for them, or does it seem that way because they are in the spotlight?

I'm reminded of the scripture that says, To whom much is given, much is required. Luke 12:48.

Do we ask too much of them?  Is the pressure too great for many?  Is the gift then, a blessing or a curse?

Of course, I don't have the answers.  Only questions.

May Whitney, and all of the others who have gone much too soon, rest in peace.

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