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Sunday, April 29, 2012

School Assemblies

We have two assemblies everyday.  One at 7:00am for the boys, and the other at 7:45 for the girls.

Remember, although we're considered a co-ed school, the boys and girls are never together.  At all.  It is totally forbidden.

The students stand in rows with each class representing a row.  Remember too, this is a large school.  There're over 400 boys and more than 600 girls.  So, we have rows and rows of rows.

Couldn't resist that silly sentence.

These assemblies take place in one of the courtyards.  The support teachers lead the students in prayers, and songs, including the national anthem.  This is the time when staff and students are recognized.

Ninety-nine percent of the activities are in Arabic, so the Western teachers and I are at a disadvantage, especially when awards are given out.  We're never quite sure what they're for or why the particular students were chosen.

There is live music, too.  Most times, students are playing the instruments - keyboards, xylophone and drums.

If you listen really closely at about 8:00pm Pacific time, there is no doubt in my mind, you'll be able to hear the music.  It is played RIDICULOUSLY LOUD.  I feel bad for the classes that stand closest to the speakers.  I know their ears are ringing for the rest of the day.  Turning it down is not an option.  It's an uphill cultural battle.

This CRAZY, LOUD music is played during lunchtime, too.  And they wonder why the kids are bouncing off the walls.  They bouncing in time with the music.

Maybe.  Just maybe.  The music is not that loud, but my hearing is just super sensitive as I've gotten older.  Either way, one of my goals for the year is to turn the music down.

Way down.

Wish me luck.

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