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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Toxic Relationships

My brother Forrest and I have just had a long, and textured conversation about toxic relationships.

What makes a relationship toxic?

Why do we sometimes stay involved with folks that we know are not good for us?

Why is it that we as parents have to guard against toxicity when dealing with our kids?  Shouldn't we be the last ones who would bring harm to our own?

Is their a difference in how we deal with toxic family members versus the way we deal with toxic friends? Is it the fact that we can ditch a friend, but we're stuck with family?

Why do we stick around though, for those we absolutely know are not good for us?

What makes us feel the need to entertain these people?

Once we have the courage to get rid of him/her/them, what do we do to ensure we're not ensnared in that web again?  Or does it become a vicious cycle of going from one toxic relationship to another?  Let's hope not.

I was in one for over twenty years.  

Why did I stay?

Because I wanted the best for my boys.

And I was willing to deal with the nonsense to make life better for them.

Or so I told myself.

Because in reality, kids suffer too, when adults are in difficult relationships.

And then, how does that affect their relationships with others?

OK.  OK.  I'm circling the wagons again.

I'll stop so you can get off.

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