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Friday, May 11, 2012

Tears & Rain

Yesterday was one big celebration at school.  We were honoring the conclusion of Dental Health Month in Abu Dhabi.

There were dignitaries present who were entertained with songs, dances, skits, and readings.  Some had nothing to do with teeth or dental health, but who cares?  It was a party and everyone was invited, whether they were relevant to the theme or not.

It lasted almost three hours.  We're serious about celebrations here.  We acknowledge something or someone with a celebration at least once a week.

The good news is the kids are good at it.  The grown folks could use some polishing, but the student performers are great.

The bad news is the amount of academics that is missed to make this happen.

On the other hand, the students here get to fully participate in the arts . . . music and creative arts.  Drawings, artistic creations, and projects can be seen all over the building.

It's a beautiful site.

One of the teachers, who was integrally involved in the planning and execution of this elaborate program yesterday, was in tears at the end of it.

I was definitely at a disadvantage in not speaking the language, in trying to find out what the problem was.  The explanation I could piece together seemed insignificant, but I've lived long enough to know that sometimes, the current circumstance causing the distress may be the representation of the "straw" that broke the camel's back.  It's not necessarily the current issue, but a culmination of things that causes folks to be upset.

We have no idea of what others are going through.  We have what they share, but most people are cautious about airing their dirty laundry.  That's especially true here where appearances reign supreme.

I'm guessing if we peeled back some of the layers, both figuratively and literally, we would find more than a little funky laundry.

After all of this, later in the day . . .

It rained.

A heavy drizzle really, and only at the mall.  Not even the whole mall, just on the massive concrete "front yard" of the mall.  It was funny watching people watch the rain. Shopping stopped in its tracks for this event. It's such a rare sight in these parts.

When I left the mall, Luther was a mess because before the rain, there was a mini-sandstorm.  The wind was blowing hard and hot.  It was 108 degrees at 4:00pm. The dampness in the air must have mixed with the sand because it was sticking to Luther.  I'd have to be sure to go to the carwash on Saturday.

Here's hoping that there are no tears in your world, and if there's rain, it's a welcome sight.

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