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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Small-minded People

Have you ever dealt with a small-minded person who is in a position of power? Always feeling the need to make themselves look bigger by putting other people down.

This is especially hard to watch when you feel helpless to do anything about it.

What is it about human nature that causes downtrodden people, when circumstances change for the better for them, to treat others in the same awful way they were being treated?

I suppose it's the same phenomena that causes folks who have been abused, to turn around and become the abuser.

In schools, we see the kids who were bullied, oftentimes turn into bullies themselves.

The real danger, though, is when these folks reach positions of power.  Usually, they wield it with an iron fist, insisting on standards of behavior that they themselves don't/can't adhere to.

My heart aches witnessing folks doing their best, never being recognized for the good they do, only being recognized for what is wrong, by these small-minded people.

I know what it feels like to have folks in your world who are never satisfied with anything that you do.  After years of trying to please them, you finally realize that if everything was in place, they'd still find fault with something.

Thankfully, I learned to recognize their small-mindedness for what it was, and move on.  I was fortunate.  Not everyone has that option to physically move.

So to anyone who has had to endure experiences with a narrow-minded thinker, rejoice knowing that you know who and what you're dealing with, and that their opinion of you doesn't have to have any bearing on your future successes, other than maybe propelling you forward to proved to them how wrong they were.

I love proving people wrong.  In a nice way, of course.


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