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Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Really productive day.  Got a lot of things done . . . effortlessly.  Thank God!

Rewarded myself by starting two books.  One is a trashy romance novel, but the other is providing lots of food for thought.  It's entitled, Life is a Verb by Patti Digh.

The premise of the "Life" book is intentional living.  It came about after experiencing the death of her stepfather from discovery that he had cancer, to 37 days days later, when he died from it.

She questions, how would our life be different, if we knew we only had 37 days to live?  What would take precedence?  What would we deem "important?"  How would our lives differ from the way we're currently living?

There is nothing morbid or sad about the book, not yet anyway.  I've only just begun, but so many of her observations make you go . . . hmmmmm.

Digh admonishes her audience to "practice being curious, not judgmental."  That's a lesson I need to learn . . . quick.

Another - "Don't just drive somewhere.  Make the journey memorable."

As a teacher, this one rang true:  "Nine tenths of education is encouragement."

And my favorite - "When you take charge of your life, there is no longer a need to ask permission of other people or society at large.  When you ask permission, you give someone else veto power over your life."

I hope these inspire you as much as they did me.

Off to do more reading.

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