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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

This 'n That

Had an iPod issue that was solved today.

I had music on my iPod that was purchased on discs and uploaded.  When I transferred my iTunes library from my PC to my MacBook, I lost those songs.  If I synced the iPod with iTunes, it would have been wiped clean.  I needed to get the songs from the iPod to my iTunes Music Library before syncing.  I googled the problem - I love those google boys - and found a solution.  A program called Senuti worked great!  It was quick, easy and free.  My kind of program.

Then I headed off to my school.  I needed to drop off some things.  This is the first time I've been back since getting my GPS system.  Thankfully, I found it without incident.  The security guards and custodians were there, so I could access the building.

On the way home, I went through the mountain.  What a majestic view!  For about five miles you're driving directly into the mountain (seemingly), when at the last minute, you veer right and then left and now you're riding in the middle of it. Amazing views!

It's oftentimes hazy near the mountain.  I'm not sure if it's from the clouds or the sand or both.

Side note - A dear friend asked about the weather.  It continues to be very mild.  This is their winter, too.  The highs are mid-70's and the lows are mid-50's.  The rainfall average is four days per year.  It has drizzled once since I've been here for about half hour.  You could hardly see any evidence of rain.  Wonder if that counts as one of their rain days?

Side note 2 - Had to go back to the bank that had the really slow service, and one of the ladies who kept putting me off, came to me today to offer her help.  She was gracious and kind.  I had to take back all of my thoughts about her from our previous encounter.

On my ride through the mountain, I passed a truck with two camels in the back. Every now and then, they would raise their heads to check out the view.  Precious sight.

Then I passed a herd of camels grazing in a pasture.  Not sure what they were eating.  I only could see the sand.  Just miles and miles of sand.

Side note 3 - I was thirsty as I was leaving my school and there's a souq very near by.  I stopped and the guy minding the shop was asleep.  I had to wake him up to pay him.  There's not much traffic in that area, so I'm guessing business is slow. Why not indulge in a nap or two?

Speaking of napping.  I had a glorious one this afternoon.  Thankfully, it was early enough that it shouldn't interfere with my normal bedtime routine.

Side note 4 - Tried the spicy shawermas.  They're even better than the regular ones.

Side note 5 - It feels fantastic to reach in drawers and cupboards instead of suitcases when I'm looking for something.  You don't realize how much you miss stability until you don't have it.

Side note 6 - Pizza Hut has pizzas that are from the heart of Arabia.  The ones I've posted are the featured ones.  Haven't tired them yet.

Hope this year is off to a great start and is all you're hoping for and more.


  1. Tunnel. Where are the pictures (when you've stopped of course).
