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Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Ending is What Counts

This day ended so much better than it began.

So, I'll start with the end.

As you know, I'm searching for a church.  Remember when I mentioned how things are zoned in this country where like stores are grouped together?  Well, same thing with the churches.  There are three for four rooms in the back of a hospital and the Christian Churches in the area all have their services there.

I was looking for one church, but stumbled on another one that was fascinating.  It was in the same room where the Ethiopian service is held.  But there was an altar now and the folks were dressed like priests, so at first blush, I thought it was a Catholic service.

My thought was, once Catholic, always Catholic, so I went in and had a seat.  It was about fifteen minutes into the service and a guy manning a table in the back gave me the evil eye for arriving late, I guess.

There were only about twenty five people there.  A woman sitting in front of me had an incredible voice.  She made the dry hymns they were singing come alive.  Kudos to her.

Anyway, what caught my attention was the black guy on the altar.  He looked just like Omar from "The Wire."  He was dressed in a fire engine red robe that was trimmed in white and it was pretty clear, he was the Head Negro in Charge.

This is Michael K. Williams who starred in THE WIRE.

He kept changing from a hot pink beanie to the triangle hat a bishop wears.  He was, in fact, a bishop.  He looked like he was twelve.

By this time I figured out this not was a Catholic service.  I thought it was Episcopalian because one of the guys officiating had on a wedding ring.

Anyway, the black guy does the preaching.  It was dry.  Dry.  DRY.  Very theoretical.  There was no emotion.  No connections between then and now and how what he was saying might be applied today.  It was clear why the congregation was so small.  He has been here for six month filling in til they found a permanent guy. They found someone, so this was the Bishop's last day.

There was more formality, then the service ends.  By the time I turn to leave, the Bishop has shed his bright read top and he has on the hottest pink robe underneath.  This brother likes color.

I knew he was from the US by the way he spoke, and my curiosity got the best of me, so I introduced myself and asked where he was from.  Philly.  This stiff brother was from the hood.  Although once he took that top robe off, he loosened up some.  I also asked him what kind of service this was.  Anglican.

Note to self - keeping looking for a church.

This experience, however,  made my day.  The service began at 7:30 at night.

I left there and went to the mall to buy mats for Luther (my car).  I couldn't believe how many folks were there.  It was like Black Friday.  People everywhere.  Not sure if something was going on, or if it's like that all the time on Thursday nights.  I'm never out that late.  It was about 9:30 by then.

I went there after my Arabic class.  I missed it on Tuesday when I picked up Luther, so today was a makeup session.  Just me and him.  It went OK.  This guy is a really good teacher.  I've got to practice and use what I've learned though to help me remember it.

Side note - This city comes alive when the sun goes down.  All stores are open late. I think it's because of the heat.  They wait til the sun goes down to get out because it's cooler.  That's my theory anyway.

Before that I was sent to another school for training and never could find it.  I was trying to use GPS coordinates.  I've found that entering that info doesn't work for me.

Note to self - ask for landmarks next time.

I was frustrated by that effort, and just came home after awhile.  I'll let the folks know what happened on Sunday.

So, like I said, the day ended a lot better than it began, and for that I'm grateful.

Hope you're having a great day.

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