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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello 2012!

My sincere thanks to a dear friend who wrote words of encouragement just now.

I wasn't going to post because I haven't felt well.  I nursed a migraine all day. Shouldn't have mentioned that I had not had one in a while in the post yesterday. It's almost as if I reminded my body about them.

Note to self - don't mention migraines again.

I hope that you all have a wonderful beginning of the new year.

Mine begins with random thoughts.

Forgive.  It doesn't matter who did what when.  Just forgive.  Not for the other person, but for you.  Extraordinary things began to happen in my life when I finally made the choice to forgive.  Don't make the mistake I did and hold a grudge for decades.  I speak from experience when I say the only one you're hurting is yourself.  So, I encourage you.  Forgive.

I bought a hookah pipe.  I know.  I know.  You're thinking, she has gone off the deep end for sure.  Let me explain.  The hookah pipe is very much a part of this culture and I wanted to be able to take some of the culture with me.  Yes, I did buy the stuff you burn, along with coals to burn it, and I did go online to figure all of this out.  But no, I'm not planning any hookah parties anytime soon.

Hookah Pipe

The test package arrived in New York!  It was mailed about a month ago from Abu Dhabi, but it got there.  Yeah!

The stores are having huge back-to-school sales.  I'm guessing they also had them at the beginning of the school year, too.  Interesting that they're having them mid-year, as well.

I realized that I needed to buy linen for the sofa bed and did that yesterday.  It's official.  I'm ready for visitors.  As I've said before, this is a place that's so wonderful, it has to be shared.  I hope some of you are giving it serious consideration.

Stores sell some comforters in two pieces.  The quilt-like comforter plus the cover that fits like a pillowcase. Clever idea really.  It makes changing the look really easy and much less expensive than buying the traditional comforter.

Finally, I have a local Sacramento phone number through MagicJack.  The number is 916-222-0571.  The catch is the computer has to be on for a call to come through. If you call and I'm not online, you can leave a message though.  I get those just fine.

The journey continues with great expectation.

1 comment:

  1. I want to call you! Can you remind us of the time zone again.
