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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Good to Go

I came close to skipping this tonight.  I've had two very late nights and need to get some serious sleep, but it's only 6:30pm.  If I go to bed now, I'll be up for the day at 2:00am.  So, I'm going to hang tough for a couple more hours.

Thankfully, every "i" has been dotted and every "t" crossed relative to my new place.  It's just the way I want it.  I did the last of the running around for it today, and now I can sit back and relax for the rest of the break.  Yeah!!!

Side note - When someone asks what your name is, they ask, "What is your "good name?"  It took me a minute to figure out that they simply wanted to know my name.

Side note 2 - Parking is on the street, but when everyone returns from break, we'll have to park in our assigned spots, in an underground parking structure.  I love it down there.  It's well lit and they're elevators close by.  Also, when I'm parked there, no one knows if I'm home.  I know.  I know.  I just really like my space and enjoy my solitude.

Side note 3 - There is 24-hour security here, too.  One person sits at the front gate, and another at the back.  They recognize me and my car.  Friendly guys.

Speaking of security - you see them everywhere.  I know I've mentioned this before, but it bears repeating. They are in the corridors of every mall.  In the stores. Outside.  Everywhere.  Again, is crime so low because of their presence, or are they that good at keeping a handle on it?  Don't know, but glad about the results nonetheless.

Side note 4 - Interestingly, I know of at least one teacher hired by Teach Away to teach here that has no experience in the classroom.  Zilch.  None.  I think that's crazy.  You need to walk in the door with some skills.  On the job training would be tough because you're trying to figure out what you're doing and you're trying to make sense of the culture.  Not a smart move.

Side note 5 - Still experimenting with making calls back home.  Google chat works well and I'm grateful for it.  The downside is you're using your computer as the vehicle and it's not as portable as a phone.  I purchased MagicJack before I left the States, which allows you to use your phone, and just tried it yesterday to pretty awful results.  Not sure if it was MagicJack or a weak connection.  Tyrone (my router) and I had a conversation about that and he seems to be working just fine now.

Ok.  My brain is fried.

Hope you're still enjoying your holidays.

More soon.  God willing, as my Arab brothers say.

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