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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and yours!  I hope that your day is filled with peace and happiness.

My day is coming to an end and it was wonderful.

Last night when I returned to the hotel, I decided that was my last night there.  So, I closed my suitcases, stuffed the things I had been using on a daily basis in plastic bags, and sat it all by the door.  It felt great.  I woke up really early, and fell back asleep for a couple of hours, but when I did get up, I was on a mission to get out of the hotel as soon as possible.

Thankfully, everything fit in the car, so I only had to make one trip.  I called the front office to let them know I'd be checking out, stopped by there and signed some paperwork, and off to my new place - for good - I went.

When I arrived, I stored everything in one of the spare bathrooms, to eliminate a cluttered look.  (Cathy and Deb, I know you're shaking your head at my concern with clutter).  Then I ran a couple of errands.  While I was out the delivery guy called, a half hour early, saying he was on the way.  I rushed back, but he still beat me here by a few minutes.

There were three men who bought in and set up the living room set and sofa bed.  I love this stuff!  Then my quiet gentle friend and a helper, spent the next couple of hours hanging things on the wall.  The walls are made of a really solid, almost concrete-link substance that makes them really hard to work with.  But when they finished, it looked so nice.  Kind of reminds me of when a new home or business goes up and they complete the look with beautiful landscaping.  If you didn't know better, you would think the home or business had been up all along because the landscaping does a great job of making the structures look and feel "complete." That's would the wall art does here.  It makes it looked homey, lived in and complete.

The sofa bed is very much like the one I had the pleasure of sleeping on when I visited Frankie and his family.  The back is up for a sofa and down for the bed.  It was very comfortable and so is this one.  This is where I'll be laying my head tonight.

Today was business as usual in the stores and malls.  Lots of traffic.  Lots of sales.

Side note - A fair number of the labor force comes from the Philippines.  In fact, the hotels I've been in have been serviced exclusively by folks from the Philippines. Interestingly, it was young men who cleaned the rooms, not women as we're accustomed to.  Anyway, I said all that to say, this community of folks are mostly Christian and they do celebrate Christmas.  One of the Philippine salesman was lamenting yesterday that he had to work today.

I'm so excited to finish up in my new home, so that I can get back to exploring the country again.

The mountain that is in town has a road that runs up and down it, that is beautifully lit at night.  I'm told I can take this road to get to work.  Not sure I want to do that, but I definitely want to make the drive up.  Hopefully it won't be as scary as parts of the 101 on the West Coast.

Well, you all are probably waking up now, so I'm going to close so that I can make some holiday calls.

Merry Christmas!

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